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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/273497-Now-what-have-we-here
Rated: 18+ · Book · None · #488496
Only rule you must follow if you know me: You can't get mad at me for what I write.
#273497 added January 20, 2004 at 12:09am
Restrictions: None
Now what have we here?
The day started off kinda sad. Kim didn't wake me up, I almost jumped for joy when my phone rang, but it was Cathy. She's a good one, but not the one I wanted. We planned to hang out since I figured Kim was still mad, still at this point had no idea why. So we agreed to meet up and do something. I took my shower and was all ready and then called her back. Cathy was crying and said she couldn't go. I was all confused. Then I noticed Kim was online and I started talking to her. I said I couldn't apologize because I didn't know what was wrong. She finally told me that she was angry because I was flirting with Maggie and whenever I paid attention to her, she just thought about me and Maggie and she got mad and annoyed. I couldn't believe it...me and Maggie? I just don't understand how that could make her jealous. Since I've known Maggie we've pretend hit on each other, but the thing that gets me the most is why? For the life of me, I don't get it. I'm single and Kim has a boyfriend! That kind of makes you lose the right to get jealous. If she was single, then it'd be a different story, but, as I'm constantly reminded, she isn't single. She has Dennis. If anything she should be mad at me for hitting on her instead of Maggie some more!

Anyways, then I get an IM from Jake, he wanted me to go to the girls basketball game with him to see his girlfriend. I haven't seen Cara in a long time, so I said sure. We pulled Steve into the mix too, so it was a good time. Hanover faced Duxbury, and Hanover lost by a lot. Duxbury's girls dwarfed Hanover's, it was kinda funny. I was texting Kim basically the whole game seeing if she wanted to hang out afterwards. She kept saying maybe. No response better. I gave her a call in the car and she said she would call back in 20 minutes. Ok, no problem. Then I get a call from Cathy saying she wanted to hang out. Geez, these people just can't make up their minds today! Me and Steve were heading to Whitman Stop and Shop for a mission, but we aborted and saved it for another day. We did an aboutface and headed for Bickford's. We met up with Cathy there and had a good time. Food was good, company was good. After that, Steve said he had to be home by 4 and it was about 4:10. So we headed over to the mall to get money and Cathy needed to get lip gloss. In the parking lot, Kim called and we had a little trouble trying to get her to hang out. We eventually did and me and Cathy went to pick her up. Off to my house we went. Kim loved Wrinkles (as everyone does) and feared Kiki (as everyone does). My mum came over which was really cool, she gave me clothes, awesome! Then we had to get going to pick up Colby and drop off Kim, too bad she couldn't come with us. Then we got to Bowling with 4 minutes to spare.

Did pretty good, 86,75,84, 75 avg. Didn't matter though, Aunt Susan completely destroyed us with her scores. Geez, I want to get a hysterectomy and bowl awesome! Hehe. Anyways, I played a bunch of pinball till 9 and almost got a highscore, but fell about 10 million short. We drove home, and stopped by Cathy's to see her new room again. Still looked like Ghostbusters, hehe. Then I came home and all was well.

Then things took a turn...

I text Kim seeing if she was still up, she told me to check my email. What do I get, a conversation she had with Arline about good old me. I was shocked. Is she just out to terminate every relationship I let her know about from here on? First she tried to fool Andrea, and now Kim. Seriously, she is becoming a real pest. I love how she made it look like I wasn't even interested in her personality. What'd we have, two conversations before we fell into that relationship? What the hell else did I have to base the relationship on? Well, we know that that failed now don't we? This is why I save conversations everybody. So I can prove shit wrong. Another thing that was cute about how I "charm you right into my bedroom." Yeah, I suppose you know all about that, we watched Groundhog Day, oooh how erotic! That's right, that was my master plan. To seduce you with Bill Murray. There are only 2 people that fit the picture you tried to make out. Danielle and Andrea. Danielle regrets it and so do I. Me and Andrea however were a happy couple at the time, so tell me Arline, what the fuck is wrong with that? I can't believe you are even talking about me, I seem to remember that you tried to avoid me at all costs when we dated. I remember going to the mall hearing you didn't want to see me. I remember being yelled at because I cared and wanted to know why you were sad. I remember you didn't want to even hear from me on Valentines Day. Tell me, Arline, what fucking experience do you have with me on anything but eating????

I'm sick of this shit trail that's been going on. I agree with you Kim, we need to seriously talk. Me and you alone sometime in the very near future. And please, if you want to talk to someone else about who I am, ask Cathy, ask Andrea, even ask Steve (though I'm sure he doesn't really know how I treat girls I care for being a guy and all). But don't listen to some bitch who has no idea what a relationship with me is, because SHE WASN'T EVEN THERE.

God damn, I feel better now.

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