Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/317339-Chapter-Fourteen
Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #915981
A small town is turned upside down when a handsome young man comes looking for his friend.
#317339 added October 19, 2006 at 3:48pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Fourteen
Paul lay in bed thinking about everything that had gone on that day, finding Mark barely alive, and the ride to the hospital. He also thought about his talk with Vickie on the phone. He knew she tried very hard to keep it together for the sake of the children. I thought she was going to lose it when I told her how we found Mark. I’m glad she was able to keep it together. He was anxious to hear how Mark ended up on that ledge. He was hoping it was an accident because if it wasn’t, he knew he would not stop until he found the person responsible and made sure they paid for what they did to his friend. He also knew that Mandy wouldn’t let it go either. She was determined to prove that her father and husband were murdered. Suddenly his mind turned to Mandy. He could see her beautiful emerald green eyes with the little gold flecks shimmering as she laughed. She had the most beautiful contagious laugh. He felt very comfortable around her. She seemed to bring out the best in him. She made him happy when he was around her. Although Mandy had proven herself to be a very capable young woman, he knew she could be very vulnerable as well. He kept thinking of her until he finally fell asleep. He dreamt of holding her in his arms, she felt warm and comfortable, like she belonged there. He also dreamt of his friend and the ordeal he had just gone through.

Paul awoke at four o’clock the next morning. He was anxious to get started. He wondered if Mandy was up yet, however, he decided to wait until at least five o’clock before calling her. He got up, showered and got dressed. He went downstairs where he found Sarah already up and making breakfast. “Good morning Mrs. Blake.”

“Morning Mr. Covington, how are you this morning?”

“Great!” he exclaimed. Whatever you’re cooking sure smells good.”

“I’m almost through; you can go on into the dining room. I’ll be right in with breakfast.”

Paul walked into the dining room, where he found a couple already at the table having coffee as they waited for Sarah to bring in breakfast. Paul said good morning and sat down. He poured himself a cup of coffee and he thought about the coffee he and Mandy shared at her house. Just then, Sarah appeared with orange juice and a fresh pot of coffee. Paul stood up and asked if he could help her.

“Sure, you can help me bring in the food.” He followed her to the kitchen. She handed him a platter of sausages and one of eggs. She followed him with a platter of pancakes and warm maple syrup. They placed everything on the table and sat down.

After breakfast Paul helped Sarah clear the table. As they entered the kitchen Paul asked, “Mrs. Blake,” - “If you insist on helping me, you must call me Sarah.”

“Then Sarah, you must call me Paul. I wanted to ask if you have an extra room. Mark’s wife and children will be arriving today and they will need a place to stay while they’re here.”

“Of course, that’s no problem. I’ll have one ready for them when they get here. When are you expecting them?”

“They will be going directly to the hospital when they arrive. I’m to meet them there around one o’clock this afternoon. We should be back here about four or five. But actually I was thinking that you can give them Mark’s room since he’s the one who originally paid for it, and give me another room.”

“No problem, when you get back both rooms will be ready.”

“Thanks so much, you’re a peach. I see where Mandy gets her great personality from”

“Keep it up, flattery will get you everywhere.” She said with a smile.

“Well I’m going to call Mandy and see if she’s up. I’ll talk to you later.” With that
Paul left Sarah in the kitchen to finish the dishes.

He called Mandy and waited while the phone rang. Where is she, he wondered. He was about to hang up when he heard her breathless voice. “Hello?”

“Good morning Mandy. You sound out of breath, are you okay?”

“Oh yah, I’m fine. I had just come in from jogging when I heard the phone. How are you this morning? Were you able to get some rest?”

“Actually, I slept better last night than I have since Mark’s disappearance.” replied Paul. “Do you want me to meet you then we can phone the hospital to see if Mark is well enough to talk to us?”

“Sure, by the time you get here I should be out of the shower. Just in case, I’ll leave the door unlocked. See you in a bit.” They said good bye and hung up.

© Copyright 2006 Jazelle Vornet (UN: jazellevn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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