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Sunflower's Blog
#360154 added July 16, 2005 at 12:38am
Restrictions: None
Oh My Aching tooth.
This is the second time this horrible toothache has come on like a boling ball making a strike, whamo, pow-- great pain from nothing in two hours.

Luckily, I have a dentist appointment Monday. I'm scheduled to get my teeth cleaned, under gas. I'm "terrible afeard" of dentist's noise, and dentist inflicted pain. I'm a real pansy about it. I associate anydentist with pain. I've had several gum surgeries. It may all go back to that Alice Cooper song in the 1970s. Effective use of audio for effect!

The pain med isn't helping much. I'd already been to the family doctor for my chloresterol check this morning when this hit. So much for chewing lunch.

My dentist works only half a day on Friday, and it was 4:00 in the afternoon when I decided I needed help now. No help yet. Tooth pain semms to me as one of the worst types. I had a girlfriend 10 years ago that often had a toothache--don't know how she stood it.

I'll go to the pharmacy in the morning with my fingers crossed for luck. I have several very out of date antibiotics I could take, but being out of date the pharmacists told me plainly that it could help, or it could kill me. He is blatently honest, because he doesn't want to get in trouble. I don't want to die and I don't want to hurt. I can't even think about eating now--couldn't chew.

Next thing, my neck's going to start hurting because I'm holding an ice pack on the right side of my face while I type. What a spaz I am ;-( This may be a short evening.

So, brush your teeth, and have a good night's sleep. Pleasant dreams. . . .
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