Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/360311-Papers-Papers-Everywhere
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Sunflower's Blog
#360311 added July 17, 2005 at 12:03am
Restrictions: None
Papers. Papers, Everywhere
As a pack rat, and one who never throws anything away I might possibly need, I have to admit the papers have gotten out of control. I use the pile file method. After the dogs have wagged and nuzzled the papers for a few weeks, everything is everywhere.

So I got a magazine holder rack, and started cleaning up. of course, I know the alphabet, and I have a file cabinet, but I don't use that stategy, or not now. I may eventually have to be more organized, but this method leaves the possibility of every day being Christmas. When I go looking for a paper, I might find anything/ Also, I might find nothing.

But I put the paper shredder to use this evening, and carefully place the shredded paper around my squash plants. It ought to help hold moisture in the ground.

My best squash plant dried up in one day when it didn't get water. But I still have three or four plants. If I can keep the watering up, I'll be having squash in the fall. It's not my favorite vegetable, but it's healthy, and it's been a healthy challenge to keep it growing.
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