Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/360682-I-quit-smoking-again-today
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #942302
Sunflower's Blog
#360682 added July 18, 2005 at 11:14pm
Restrictions: None
I quit smoking, again, today.
I last attempted to kick my nicotiene habit about a month ago. I made it 6-8 days that time. I didn't smoke at all for six days, and cheated two days. Now, I'm a bit agitated and jumpy. I have a toothache. I have a sick mother. General biorhythm valley. But I smoked my last cigarettes this afternoon. Tomorrow I can say it's been a day. Reminds me of the Eagles song, "Tell us what you're gonna do tonight, tomorrow."

I have a tooth with a dying nerve, emitting gasses in its necrosis, so that it sits a couple of milimeters higher than the surrounding teeth. Chewing hurts. This is a great oppportunity to lose some weight. I can drink healthy and maintain calories. Like some frozen yogurt on the way to Mom's tonight, if they're still open.

As to the mother situation, I'll open a quick new chapter in Daughter-Mother.

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