Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/361028-Root-Canal
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #942302
Sunflower's Blog
#361028 added July 20, 2005 at 7:36pm
Restrictions: None
Root Canal
I'm hoping the worst of my toothache is over with. A root canal is a very expensive venture. Got to keep the tooth for now. There's decay at an old filling under the gun, to pull the gun back and refill some time.

It's amazing what dentists can do, say compared to 100 years ago. If it was bad, you pulled it, or the dentist pulled it.

My mom is 83, and like a damn good horse has all her teeth. She's got a bad tooth, but won't have it pulled. She wants to die with all her teeth. Me, I'm just ready to be able to eat normally again. I see a hamburger in my future. Funny how you really get a taste for something when you can't have it.

AND A HINT as to which desk belongs to a sunflower in Texas: there are lots of papers on my desk, and lots of books on my shelves. There's also a sunflower in view, in the top middle of the picture, sticking out of a top bookcase. Keep guessing. . . .
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