Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/365060-I-Am-Aqueous---Chapter-7
Rated: 13+ · Book · Sci-fi · #999215
A small boy is transformed into a liquid-based creature and he quests for the answers.
#365060 added August 9, 2005 at 11:28pm
Restrictions: None
I Am Aqueous - Chapter 7

Chapter 7

I was sitting down on one of Rachael’s sofas and I was gazing at the full moon out the window. Rachael was making herself something to eat. We were silent for that whole time; we were a little too shocked at what had happened to really speak to each other. Rachael had made herself a sandwich and had sat down. I looked at her sandwich and it reminded me of something my mother used to make for me when I was scared. Then I looked at her. She was eating with nervousness. She was only eating because she was starving and would have chosen not to eat if she could’ve.
She looked very tense so I tried to calm her. I said, “Thanks for helping me.”
She finished chewing and looked at me. She smiled and said, “Anytime.”
I asked her, “So how did you know I was going to show up here?”
She wiped her face and explained, “A few minutes before you showed up the police announced to the block that they were setting up a trap for you. I simply waited by the door with my head out to look for you.” She sat up from her table and moved to a sofa beside me. She continued, “You went by a little fast the first time, but the second you landed on the street near an exploding helicopter.”
I repeated myself, “Thanks, Rachael. I would have been a goner.”
Rachael stared at me and looked at my destructive capabilities with question. She asked me, “Why do they want you so badly?”
I told her, “Inspector Charles said that I was the cause of that plane crash four days ago and that I killed 11 soldiers.”
Rachael gasped a little and covered her mouth. “Did you?” She asked.
I hung my head and put my hands on my face. “I don’t know. I don’t remember doing anything like that. It’s all so confusing after that… ‘teleport’… that happened right before the highway incident.”
Rachael remembered me telling that to her, “Oh yes, that instant appearing on the highway.” She thought of something, “Maybe it was some sort of glitch in your memory?”
I shook my head, “Glitches are for computers, vague images and cloudy thoughts are what you and I have.” I stood up and paced around the sofa. I explained, “I don’t think the city like me anymore.”
Rachael protested, “Don’t go that far. I still like you; you’re like family to me. I’m a citizen in this city like many others; I’m sure many feel the same ways as I do.”
I shook my head. “I’ve become your friend and I’ve rescued you once before, so you have a reason.” I started to melt, “Everyone else sees me as a bad guy.”
Rachael tried to comfort me, “The see many bad guys.”
I melted more with a little bit of anger, “They see me as the bad guys in super hero shows! They’re afraid and they should be, they have no super hero to save them from the super villain.”
“Maybe I should leave town.”
Rachael didn’t like the idea of me leaving her. “No! I’ll come with you!”
I wanted her to come, I really did, but she couldn’t do it physically and I couldn’t do it mentally. The thought of her to die, because of me would be unbearable. I told her sternly, “No.”
She told me sternly back, “Yes! I’m coming whether you like it or not!”
“You’ll die with me whether you like it or not!”
Her voice rose, “Why are you so afraid? You can take them on can’t you?”
I told her, “I don’t want to kill. I don’t want to hurt anybody. I just want to live my new life with some questions answered. I have to move on alone, this town has only brought me more questions.”
“Like what?”
“Like Charles, he knew my last name.”
Rachael said in denial, “What? Belway? He knew that? How?”
“I don’t know, but I don’t want anything to do with him, ever! He knows who I am, he has to, but I don’t want to go near him. I need to know, but not from him.”
Rachael noticed me melt again. She asked me, “What’s wrong?”
I explained, “I visited my old home, the one I grew up in as Ozzy Belway. The sad thing was, was that it wasn’t there.”
“What do you mean?”
“Nothing was there. The house, the roads, the park, the neighbours, nothing. It was as if they never existed.”
Rachael hung her head for a while and then sat up. She walked towards me. She hugged me tight and started to cry. She let me go, “Go then. I won’t follow you, but I’ll always be there for you when you need me. You need answers, I can tell. Your story sounds so farfetched that there has to be some sort of logical explanation. I’ll let you find out who you are, all by yourself, your way.” She stepped backwards and watched me walk towards her door slowly.
I grabbed her door knob and told her, “I’ll never forget you Rachael.”
She burst into tears and she smiled. She spoke softly, almost like a dying whisper amongst the wind. “I’ll never forget you, Ozzy.”
I reached an antenna from across the room and I absorbed/wiped the tears off her face and whispered through my antenna, “I will be back, someday.” With that I retracted my antenna and shifted her tears to where my heart would be. I held it there like a prized medal of courage and love. Most of all I held it there to remember her forever. I opened the door and I walked through. The door shut and I walked outside. The streets were especially empty tonight and I was going to roam them for the last time.
I ran through the streets and I looked for the highway, so I could find a route to another city. With a lot of echoing steps I found and on ramp and I ran up onto the highway.
As I ran along the road I heard an unfamiliar, but yet similar beating. One that was more silent, but deadlier. I stopped and I looked behind me to see what the noise was. The noise was four helicopters coming my way, at a very fast pace. It was true, the police and SWAT were no longer chasing me, it was now the US military. Four very hi-tech army helicopters were heading towards me. Each equipped with two wings that held very advanced rockets and there was two chain guns slung underneath the windshield. I started to run.
There was no use in out running these raptors; they were superior to the previous ones. They were faster, more agile, better armed and armored and had much more highly trained killers on board. I ran as fast as I could, but a sense of hopelessness held me back from going faster. A loud speaker projected the voice of a soldier; he explained to me, “You have absolutely one chance. Surrender now or face the consequences.”
I slowed down and I stopped. I turned to them and explained, “I’ll go quietly.”
The door opened of one of them and the loud speaker shouted, “Fat chance!”
Another EPP was shot at me and it hit me dead on. I didn’t even see it as light or as heat. The plastic wrapped around me 100% and I was trapped, except for the holes. But there were no holes this time. I truly was trapped. I had nothing with me except for some air bubbles.
The voice taunted, “Ha! How’d you like that! Custom made; no breathing holes.” The four choppers cheered in victory.
I lay there in puddle form truly defeated. There was no hope of escaping and I admitted that it was fun while it lasted. I wondered what they’d do to me and where they would take me, now that I was captured. That was my last thought.
Then that pain feeling occurred. That sense of death and loss of control shrouded my every thought. My mind, my actual existence seemed to fade away, seemed to sleep. I was perfectly able to continue hearing and seeing, but no longer could I feel or possess my own liquid. The pain grew and grew and soon the pain began to feel inviting. It was inviting me somewhere, somewhere in my body, in my consciousness, somewhere no one could possibly understand unless they’ve been there. I accepted my voyage to a mysterious abyss and my mind sat there, in a state of peacefulness, since I was no longer in control, someone else was. We had switched.
My body, under the control of someone else, moved. It jiggled and shook in adjustment. Then from the air bubble in between the plastic and the liquid, an appendage was able to be created. The appendage shaped, so it was sharp. It cut through the plastic and its owner cometted out of the plastic with an undying hunger for freedom.
I heard from my isolated place in my existence the helicopters react to the escape. I saw the doors of all four open and guns cock. The being in control of my body reformed itself and it was a feeling that I could even feel, though the numbness of my non-existent state of existence.
I or it seemed we, shared the same body. It was another person who can been living inside me the whole time and had been living in this state of unconsciousness for as long as I could recall.
I could see through its eyes and I could see that it preferred a different default shape. It had the same shape and body form as I did, more or less, but the most obvious difference was that it wasn’t a light, bluish-green like I was. It preferred a dark blue, one that could easily be mistaken for a lifeless black, but with blue. The colour of the opposite side of a sunset was its choice. It had some other choices too. Its face wasn’t rounded off like mine was, it was my shape, but with a sort extra semicircle of liquid slabbed onto the lower front to create a sort of snout or mouth area. It kept my eyebrows, it seemed to like my discovery of eyebrows, but its eyebrows were always low and its extremely dark eyes were always watching. The next most obvious difference was it liked violence, it wanted to kill and hurt others, it trimmed off the width of its torso to have enough liquid to create small, but lethal blades at the end of each its fingers, toes and at the tip of its antennae. But the most intimidating thing of it was its choice of tail, it was no longer a method of balance or emotion, but it was a deadly weapon. Along its entire length it had spikes like triangular blades, symmetrically placed along opposite sides of the tail, each one easily able to cut through flesh and it had at least 40 of them. Then the tail tipped was a strange design of a blade, it was in the shape a rhombus with edges curved inwards and it was attached to the tail by one of the side points. The bottom point was elongated and the top point was compresses a little. With the mind controlling its body, it was ready to do what it wanted.
The military finished cocking their guns and aimed at the evil looking Aqueous. The evil Aqueous wasted no time and it leapt on top of a helicopter’s blades. It landed in the center of all the blades with its legs merged and only it feet spinning around. It stood on the cap that connected the four rotating blades and it stabbed all eight fingers through the entire helicopter. It heard screaming and it felt blood mixing into its liquid. The blades of the helicopter stopped rotating and the helicopter started to fall.
The evil Aqueous retracted it fingers with more destruction and then it leapt off into the air. It spun around and it extended its lethal tail and sliced another helicopter in half. The two pieces and the other helicopter hit the ground with fiery crashes. The evil Aqueous landed with artistic, mocking grace.
The two remaining helicopters began to fly away, but the evil Aqueous didn’t want them to survive. So it shot out its two antennae and coiled around the tails of the choppers, one on each. The evil Aqueous was for more superior to I ever could be at keeping itself solid, because of its past displays of liquid slicing steel and now, pulling the two choppers together. The two helicopters very slowly moved towards each other and after a little bit of struggling they collided. Their blades sliced each other and they spun around in a smoky mist. The two fell to the ground with an explosive finish. It retracted its tentacles and ran the highway, in hopes of some more green visitors.
Again, I could see that this mind was very skilled at keeping solid and very focused. It was able to run as fast as car and perhaps a little faster. It was so familiar and so skilled at using its body, I was beginning to wonder if it wasn’t the 2nd personality and that maybe I was. Maybe I was the rookie and it was the veteran. But then I recalled how I got this body and it didn’t make any sense of how it could’ve been the original ego, because it all started in my bed, no its bed. None the less, it was good, good at being evil.
So it ran down the highway and it soon ran into a road block. The road was made of sad bags and behind them were a large number of soldiers with m16 assault rifles. The evil Aqueous stopped and the soldiers fired. After a few seconds, every single round that was in magazines attached to the soldiers’ guns were in it body. It used the bullets like air bubbles and it had grown in size a little. It shifted all the bullets into its arms and then it swung its arms in order to throw the bullets at the soldiers. He had swung it arms fast and the bullets were flung at the soldiers nearly at the same speed at which they were shot at us. It managed to kill 12 of them and there were 3 left, wounded.
Evil Aqueous leapt over the sand bag and landed behind the dying soldiers. It finished them quickly by slitting their throats after coiling it fingers around their necks. The evil Aqueous ran on and didn’t stop until it reached another military settlement, a few kilometers down the highway.
On the highway, there was a large tent, as well as some transport trucks. The evil Aqueous was convinced that this was their base and that the rest of the soldiers would be in there. He saw a soldier appear out from the flap in the front of the tent. The soldier looked at his murderer and fled into the tent. Evil Aqueous shot it whole arm at him and manage to clasp onto his head. The soldier then felt great pain and his eyes touch his left shoulder, as evil Aqueous severed his vertebrae from his brain.
It kept its grip on the unfortunate soldier’s skull, as it melted into a puddle. The liquid was pulled and it flowed towards the hand and then it was inside the tent. It reformed and it gazed around the tent. There was no one, but there was another door in front of it. The room looked peculiar, but it didn’t seem to care. It took a few suspenseful steps for those unfortunate enough to be watching it.
The evil Aqueous stepped on a metal pad on the floor and lots of lights and noise started to erupt. A large glass shield slid up from below the ground and clamped together and sealed. A whole bunch of soldiers appeared from behind placed and grabbed giant hoses and attached and sealed them to the glass. The evil Aqueous knew know that it had fallen into a trap. Just as it was going to hit the glass, the ground started to spin and strange dust was blown inside and surrounded us. Then the four hoses attached to the glass started sucking all the air out of the glass. The evil Aqueous was strong, but the laws of pressure were stronger and it was pinned in place.
It was trying to keep solid, if it did, then it wouldn’t matter how much air they sucked out of the dome, we wouldn’t be sucked into the hoses. Evil Aqueous thought that it could survive the trap; it had a very strong hold of itself and would not explode onto the edges. Then real strategy came into play, the dust that had been floating around the dome had latched onto our liquid and was acting like some sort of cement. The molecules of this special dust were emulsifying our own; we were being surrounded by this dust. If we didn’t become more liquid and loose then we would turn into a pile of powder. The dust was coating our liquid and transforming us into powder.
We both agreed at the choice at hand and we were both convinced that this was the end. Evil Aqueous loosened itself and all the dust fell to the ground and we were perfectly unharmed. At the exact same second our liquid was split and sucked into the four hoses. I sensed my liquid from four different directions and it was agonizing to see our self separated like that. It was like a viciousness of being tickled and being deprived of all your oxygen. It was a struggle that couldn’t possibly be won.
The four quarters of out liquid were put in four large cylinder containers with a very thick glass middle and two titanium caps, top and bottom. Additional hoses were attached to the cylinders and every single molecule of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and water was taken out. So there were four large cylinder containers, which contained 100% of my liquid, meaning there was absolutely no room to move in these containers,
© Copyright 2005 Brad Weaver (UN: namelesstailed at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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