Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/377545-Birthdays-Should-Be-Fun
by Aradne
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1010479
Not interesting at all. Just like me.
#377545 added October 5, 2005 at 10:54pm
Restrictions: None
Birthdays Should Be Fun...
A girl I work with is celebrating her 20th birthday on Friday. She was going to hang out with the 4 boys she lives with and have a smash-out of a party.

But they are going to ditch her to go get laid in a different college town.

We talked for a while. She told me that she's hurt, but she's not mad. She said that she didn't feel the right to be mad.

The woman lives with 4 guys. She does all the dishes. She makes home-cooked meals sometimes. She's their mother. One of them was dead drunk last weekend, and bent on running out into a cornfield. She locked all the doors and stayed up to make sure that he went to bed and stayed in bed.

When he escaped, she followed him into the recently-manured field and talked to him until he came back inside.

The woman is more deserving than almost everyone I can think of, especially myself.

The whole situation makes me sad.

On a brighter note, I have a ton of hours next week, which means a nice paycheck in 3 weeks. *Smile* I like nice paychecks.

So... I'm beginning to really make big money commitments. And I feel a tug to make another good-sized one. I'm afraid to, because if I suddenly have to relinquish the commitment, it's a tough spot for the organization I'd be giving to.

So do I give and trust, or wait until I'm more financially secure?

Speaking of financial security.... Grrrr! What's wrong with me???? I'm spending my money nearly as fast as I'm making it. I've probably spent 80% of my paychecks thus far. (not counting purchases before I started receiving them!!!)

Oic. I'm hyped up on a carmel latte. I need to chill out.

I've had 3 exams and a quiz in the last 28 hours. Now I'm on a buzz from the lack of stress. (well, not a lack per se, but a diminishment of stress.

Biology makes me feel like an idiot. It's fascinating, but how the hell am I supposed to remember all the functions of a ribosome???

Anna, my older sister, actually helped me with this one. She slept through her bio lecture (we're in the same course, and she's 7 years older than I am), and needed to know. So I looked it up and texted it to her. Now I remember.

But what about a lysosome? Could I remember that? NOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME!

And polar amino acids? He said, "Memorize them all." I memorized all the non-polar ones, because there were fewer, and the electrically charged ones. All the leftovers would be polar, right?

But he wanted me to pick a polar one out of a group of 4. I knew that 1 was nonpolar, and 1 was electrically charged... So it was down to 2. That's 50/50, right?

Note to self: BIO SHOULD NOT BE TREATED LIKE Who Wants to be a Millionaire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You didn't need or want to hear about my bio class, I know. You probably even skipped through that part, if you made it THIS far.

I'll quit typing now, I promise.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/377545-Birthdays-Should-Be-Fun