Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/396845-More-random-thoughts
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#396845 added January 4, 2006 at 5:22pm
Restrictions: None
More random thoughts
I’m playing a mixed match tonight. With my reg partner. We won the last time we played. I took a long lunch, I think I may have posted this. I love playing in the day. No glare of the lights. I know, the sun glares too; but, there is only ONE sun. Not lots of little suns, perched on top of poles placed on either side of the courts. I like court ten at night. Sooo, since I am the facility coordinator – I always play on court ten when we hit at my tennis center. Authority has it’s privileges.

I’m worried though, I haven’t picked up a racquet in two weeks. I told my coach, I only wanted a thirty minute lesson, instead of the usual sixty – to get back into the physical activity groove. (I did walk while I was in WV. It’s just not as demanding though).

Oh, so, I know I’m so jumping around here, but we went to a snow park in Pennsylvania while I was up there. We had the best time. It was one of those places where they manufacture snow. Being from the south, I wouldn’t be able to distinguish between the real and the fake stuff. It’s been a lifetime since I’ve played in real snow. I was a teenager, still into making those snow angels. Oh, no. wait. It has snowed a few times here. Laney was about nine. We had two or three inches. Does that count? For us, the world stopped, turned white and shrunk to the activities of our front yard. Laney lost her glasses in it. Wrote a story about it for school.

I miss the snow.

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