Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/418381-On-the-Seventh-Day
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#418381 added April 9, 2006 at 6:22pm
Restrictions: None
On the Seventh Day
Ugh! I'm stuck at work. Seven days in a row. I guess I’m supposed to be happy not all the days were eight-hour days. Two were four. And, today, will probably be three. But, I'm not. You know, thanking the powers that be I haven't put in seven straight eights. I"m just not following this line of logic. (i'm an emo girl if you hadn't noticed. This frustrates logic, who has to bop me in the head every once in awhile - to keep me on track.

soooo anyway, where was I? oh, yeah, I was being ungrateful. After all, I still had to get here. Still had to shower - okay, I’d do that anyway - still had to bring food to eat here, still have to answer the phone, rent courts...blah, blah, blah.

Let's see, um, the good. Yes.
*Bullet*It's a beautiful spring day outside. Laney is hitting w/ two boys from her school - getting ready for tomorrows region tournament.
*Bullet*I have soy strawberry yogurt and a soy cheese sandwich to eat - I know, this is debatable...whether or not such food contents can be listed on the Good Things Side.
*Bullet*The Sunday paper is here. Ah, I’ll hit headlines in a few.
*Bullet*The place is already clean. I made sure yesterday, when I came in for a few hours before the rain.
*Bullet*Speaking of rain, it poured yesterday. Washing away inches worth of pollen!

I'd still rather be at home. I know, I’m such an ungrateful person.

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