Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/418417-Sencond-Entry--Augusta
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#418417 added April 9, 2006 at 8:12pm
Restrictions: None
Sencond Entry -Augusta
I just realized I haven’t watched any of the Masters. Okay, so I’m not really a golf fan. I can’t say I even know how to play…rules, and when to use which club and crap like that. But, the Masters – it’s a prestigious event held in my state. I wonder if Tiger likes staying in Augusta. My father-in-law, and his daughter go almost every year. In my defense, it rained yesterday. I had to work – bank deposits and run errands….so I didn’t have my ass parked in front of CBS watching/listening. Then, today, as previously stated, I had to go into work. (Lots of people came out to play today) It wasn’t until I dumped an unfolded basket of laundry in front of the TV, I realized my eyes haven’t glanced at those beautiful blooming flowers the Deep South produces. The most beautiful golf course in the world. I like listening to the birds.

okay, so this isn't Augusta...it's my front yard...but the flowers are still pretty.

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