Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/425216-PV-on-TP
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#425216 added May 11, 2006 at 1:47pm
Restrictions: None
PV on TP
“Robin”, the custodian peeps his head into my office door. I’m busy. Working. On three things at once. Matches start tomorrow. I’ll be loaded up with players all day. I flash him a frustrated look, hoping to convey my busy-ness.

“We only have three rolls of jumbo toilet paper left.”

What? I freeze.

“I’m just letting ya know.”

I have to be here at seven in the morning tomorrow. Play starts at eight! Teams from all over the state will be here! What do you mean we only have three rolls of jumbo left? He’s been out for over a week. I guess I should have inventoried yesterday.

“Great.” Is all I say, even though i feel anything but. Then, in a rush, “Have a look around; let me know what else we need.” I say a quick prayer, we use a local company for cleaning supplies – one with next day delivery! If I’m lucky, they can squeeze in another Friday delivery

Keeping my fingers crossed and using my very best phone voice (PV) I dial the number.

“Michael.” I say, only I drag the word out. There is much more pep in my words than I feel, “Can I place an order?” I ask. More pep. I even smile – you know, to play the part better. I know he can’t see me, but maybe he can hear the smile.

“Sure.” He says, mirroring my peppiness. “What can I get for ya?”

I go through my list, including LOTS of toilet paper – several cases. Then, I use my little girl whiney voice…”Can you bring it to me tomorrow?”

He does this long dramatic inhale/exhale thing. Making the “H” sound. Like he’s really annoyed at my request.


A silent pause follows - lasting longer than I’m sure it is.

“I don’t know, Robin," he finally says. "Tomorrow?”


“Tomorrow’s Friday,” he reminds me. Maybe he thinks my calendar is wrong. That i've forgotten what day of the week tomorrow is.

I know he’s playing with me so I play along too. “I’ve got this HUGE tournament here tomorrow. I really NEEEEEED toilet paper.” I go into the routine of begging.

He’s laughing now. “Yes,” he breaks in, “I guess...for you...we can add another deliver stop.”

“Yay!" I squeal.

Life is good. Who would have thought I’d get this excited over TP?

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