Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/425744-Vacation
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#425744 added May 13, 2006 at 11:07pm
Restrictions: None
Our week in Gatlinburg was amazing. We went day hiking in a different trail everyday. Although, our trekking didn’t turn up interesting events as partyof5dj’s does when he goes hiking. We did get some beautiful pics. (for more information about the weird things you might see while hiking, check out the following entry – only after you’ve read MY entry though. This is after all, MY blog. *Pthb* : "Invalid Entry

The Great Smokey Mountains National Park has a bah-zillion trail. There’s no way, a person could possibly walk all of them. I seriously would love to move there. Spend my days walking, and my nights writing about what I saw.

I’m just not sure I could get used to the bears. The black ones that love to roam the smokies. We had three of them come right up to our cabin. Bryan grilled steak – cleaned up his mess, but the wind was blowing up the mountain. So the bears came down to investigate.

Here is where we stayed,

I was sitting in the chair which is pulled out – I got an awesome mountain view during mealtime.

Where was I, oh yeah, you should have heard him, “OH my God!” he shrieked. I was chewing up the last bite of my meat and looked over in his direction. He had gotten up to go over into the living room area.

“What?” I asked – my mouth still full of food. Sorry Mom, I know I’m not supposed to talk with my mouth full.

“There’s a (f’en) bear.” He’s usually not in the habit of using the F word. (that’s my job *Blush* }

“Where’s the camera?!” I asked.

I must have shot the whole roll. Some through the double paned glass, like this one:

Then, when the bears moved, I did too. From our deck I took the following pic:

I have lots more pics, so, if you’re nosey, or a little voyeur like me, you can check out "The Places I've Been for more nature pics.

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