Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/470809-Happy-Thanksgiving
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#470809 added November 23, 2006 at 9:45pm
Restrictions: None
Happy Thanksgiving
I love Thanksgiving. Besides the obvious…turkey, dressing, pie and lots of it, T - Day means a Thursday off. Which means Wednesday night feels like a Friday night. I get to stay up late, clutching the remote in one hand, and wine (or a cosmo, or a patron, or pyrat) in another. Most nights, I never touch the remote, but on some Fridays, it’s mine. I love watching pieces of movies. Five – thirty minutes of movies. I can jump in anywhere and be hooked. Beginning, middle end. Doesn’t matter. An odd habit I developed when a full time job coupled with motherhood captured all my free time.

Last night, Two for the Money was on. You know, with Matthew beautiful McConaughey. Al Pacino and Renee Russo were in it, too. One look at McConaughey’s cut pecs and I tossed the remote under the bed. No one was changin’ that channel, baby. Okay, so this wasn’t the pic, but the pecs were the same.

Matt on the beach
Ahhhhhhh, yes.

A little net surfing and this is what surfaced.

Matt in a t-shirt
Gotta love that smile.

I’m going in to work tomorrow, so I won’t remote burn tonight. It’s okay, really. My stomach is full of smoked turkey – injected with Cajun spices, and my mind is full of those beautiful pecs. Can’t get much better than this.

Hope everyone’s Thanksgiving was great.

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