Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/470966-Got-kale
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#470966 added November 26, 2006 at 8:50pm
Restrictions: None
Got kale?
I have a confession to make. I eat kale. Fresh kale. Not boiled. Not chpped and sauteed with butter and garlic kale. But deep dark green leafy segments of vegetable matter nestled between two thick slices of Premium Quality Private Selection Flax & Fiber Bread. The bread – loaded with 12.mg of omega 3 fatty acids per slice – is smothered in gobs of horseradish mustard. Somewhere in between the kale and the bread there’s soy cheese and two slices of packaged turkey or ham – whatever’s in the fridge.

Kale? Isn’t that stuff gross? Doesn’t it taste like dirt mixed with sun soured turnip greens?

Well, no, not really. I first glanced at kale when I discovered it made the Top Five Healthiest Foods List. It’s strong visible resemblance to collard greens had my nose scrunching up and my eyes looking in the opposite direction. I don’t think so.

Kale got the nod when I read further, how “…vitamin K may decrease the incidence or severity of osteoporosis and slow bone loss…” . See, being allergic to milk – the reg way people consume their calcium, I’m always worried about not getting enough. True, I can take a supplement, but then, I’d be denied of things like fresh spinach, soymilk soy yogurt, and most of all fresh kale.

Anyway, I’ve kinda-sorta gotten used to the taste, and besides. All that horseradish sorta masks the flavor. And the bottom line is, my bones will thank me.

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