Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/481833-Still-Sick
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#481833 added January 16, 2007 at 7:41pm
Restrictions: None
Still Sick
We brought Sweetie in first thing this morning for his tubing. The vet slid a thin long metal tube deep down his throat and into his crop(a place where birds store food prior to digestion.

He hated it. Making these pitiful grunting noises, breaking my heart while I talked to him. He bit the crap out of me when she unwrapped him from the towel she used to hold him in place. He had to go back for another treatment this afternoon. But I was at work and didn’t have to watch. Knowing what was up, he wasn’t too cooperative and the process took longer.

He is still shivering. Still inactive. Not eating – but with two feedings, she said he might not eat. His white blood count is up but that is it. no other signs of illness.

Tomorrow, if he isn’t better, he will have to stay at the vets for x-rays and other medical things.

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