Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/482407-Sweetie-is-dong-better
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#482407 added January 19, 2007 at 5:02pm
Restrictions: None
Sweetie is dong better!
Sweetie is doing better. I’ve been afraid to blog about it. Birds are so fragile sometimes. We never really knew what was wrong with him. His lab tests just showed an elevated white count. Plus, the vet said he was fat. Bryan feeds him almonds.

We’re still keeping the space heater by his cage cuz he freezes otherwise. He’s been so quiet during this ordeal; we’ve barely heard a peep out of him – uncharacteristic of amazons. Yesterday, he was whispering some, and last night, I scrambled him an egg – per the vet’s instructions and after he ate some of it, he said a few of his normal words.

I will be glad when we don’t have to keep the heater on him and he talks up a storm like normal. (He sings Tied to the Whippin’ Post by the Allman Brothers. )


I leave for sectionals Thursday morning. Macon is sending five teams to this nine state event. I played in the Healy Point tournament last weekend for practice.

Click on the picture for details.

tonight we have team practice and tomorrow afternoon and Sunday afternoon. Monday, m friend Sarah and I are going out for drinks – my belated birthday.

Cosmos, baby. Heck yeah!

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