Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/487003-The-Power-of-Character-and-Story
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
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#487003 added February 10, 2007 at 9:30am
Restrictions: None
The Power of Character and Story
I've been distracted the past few days because I became envolved in reading a story that I hadn't expected to captivate me so deeply. I've had the opportunity to read web comics before but never really go drawn into them. I've found some that were interesting and followed my way through the archives. The comedy is always entertaining but little more than that.

Then an evil trid introduced me to something different. When I've been used to webcomics that were shallow and poorly structured this one showed me what was capable when graphics and story combined. I start to understand why comic books are considered graphic novels because when done well they can be deeply woven with the kind of character building required of novels.

In fact it's intrigued me. I'm left caring about characters that aren't real, just like a well written book could do. The story is woven and from the beginning of the archives to today it steadily builds and the pages keep turning as my desire to know how it all turns out builds with it.

I think the most amazing thing is how maturely it captures ranges of emotion and human experience. Sure, some of it is a bit extreme fiction. You'd never have stuff like that happen in the real world but most of that is just setting. I mean the Giant Lizards are fiction right? The real qualities of the story are all closer and vital to all characters. Every change effects the entire world of these characters although they have no idea how their actions could affect others. I guess it's like real life, where every word and action affects those around us even if we don't know it.

Fred Gallagher, the artist and writer, has a flare for capturing the elements of the scene so that it tells more than words. The strips range in detail but somehow a wealth of emotion can be given from the still image of a character and show you exactly how that character is feeling in that given moment.

It's inspring while at the same time daunting. It would be easy to be jealous of the people in the world who are blessed with so much talent. Or rather it can be easy to forget how hard they work for everything they have. In a way I'm glad I have no talent with images because it looks like it would be very difficult. Words are my tool. I wield them clumsily at best and even that is frustrating. Imagine if I had to perfect two mediums at the same time.

Anyway, after my adventures through MegaTokyo so far I know I am hooked. It all makes me want to explore the world of web comics or graphic novels more closely. When the art of a great story is being lost in some places it's obvious that there are still pockets of people with artistic integrity who want to share something real with their readers.

Having said all that there is also a clever wit and comedy involved. It's designed around this technological age with stabs into all areas of the gaming and computer industries to some degree or another.

Of course right now I'm utterly miserable. I ran out of strips to read (finished all 966 of them) and will now have to wait eagerly for each new release. The single downside to a gripping web comic is the fact that many of them are still in progress. I might have to go on a hunt for ones that are complete so that I'll have the satisfaction of reading, "The End."

Of course the webcomic is wonderful but if you want to see something really clever and touching you should see the video WaveMst3r put up on YouTube. It's a MegaTokyo montage of two of the primary characters Largo and Erika. Of course it will mean a lot more if you've read the comic enough to know what each of those scenes actually mean and what their story is but it's really beautiful to watch and the song has been one of my favorites for over a year.



Yep, the links are designed to be clicked. *uses jedi mind trick* "You want to click the link. You want to lose yourself to the world of MegaTokyo. Webcomics are your new friend." *Wink*

Disclaimer: Not affiliated with anyone but the fans of MegaTokyo Inc. I received no contribution or donation for this shameless promotion. Just wanted to have a bit of a gush about what has taken my time these last few days. Especially since I now feel kind of lost without it.

© Copyright 2007 Rebecca Laffar-Smith (UN: rklaffarsmith at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Rebecca Laffar-Smith has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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