Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/487394-The-Power-of-Love
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#487394 added February 12, 2007 at 7:25am
Restrictions: None
The Power of Love?
It's the twenty-first century and the time when marriages are performed by any licensed casino or resort hotel and broken as easily as made. When finding that special someone has progressed from times of arranged marriages, through courting and now takes place on bar stools or internet dating sites. It's part of human nature to yearn to share our lives with someone, to be appreciated, to be loved. But is the right someone an illusive daydream and in the days when everyone demands fast everything is human kind forgetting that making a relationship work, takes, well... work?

I look around me today in search of the reflection of true love. Trying to find couples that have that spark of eternity. True love is an abstract kind of word that brings to mind old married couples who still smile at each other despite years of withstanding each others faults. It brings to mind new love, when it's vibrant and passionate. When sharing ideas and dreams and just being together was all two people breathed for and every moment apart was a sad ache of longing submerged in the pure joy of every reunion.

There have been so many movies, books, and poems that focused on love in all it's variations and degrees. From epic romances that have been carried through generations and heart-breaking tragedies that leave you yearning. Lovers have been unlikely or perfectly matched with various ranges of passion and compatability. But what is the winning combination? Have you ever seen it? Found it yourself?

Love is a powerful emotion that can change your life. It tears you apart and rebuilds you completely. There are thousands of quotes that speak of love. Love is a leap of faith and hoping. It's putting your world into someone elses hands and letting them mould and change you while maintaining the identity and being you were meant for. It's bringing together two halves of the same soul and reaching toward the stars. Love is a lit path through a maze of darkness. Love is truth, and giving, and breathing in unison.

I know, I'm a sappy romantic at heart. I read romance (and write) books and write poetry. But the definitions above are what I believe true love should. It's the coming together of two people who shore up each others weaknesses and balance each others strengths. Of course I perhaps have a vision of love warped by those romance books and movies. The fairytale example of love because after 'The End' we don't see the work required to sustain the relationship.

What do you know of love? How would you describe the sensation and the intangeble definition of love? Do you believe true love exists? Is it only for the lucky or do all people have the opportunity to find it if they never give up searching? What examples of love have you had in your life, or failed love, pretend love, puppy love?

Do you know anyone who you think just might make it? What is it about them that defines their love as the kind you believe can last through the adversity of time? Can love withstand all challenges? Is it something you know when you feel it? Do you believe in love at first sight or love prior site through words alone?

What is love to you?

© Copyright 2007 Rebecca Laffar-Smith (UN: rklaffarsmith at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/487394-The-Power-of-Love