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#491534 added March 1, 2007 at 5:15pm
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Curiousity killed the cat
March 1, 2007

Today has gone better.  I don't know if it's because I didn't have to run this morning or whether it's because I had some adult companionship today or all the love I got on here. *love*

Things are still a bit crazy...as a matter of fact I've added 2 year old twins to the mix...just for today.  They are really very sweet and are pretty well behaved...their mom is a friend of mine and had a dr's appt this afternoon.  She should be here shortly.

Because of the way things have gone the last few days-I haven't gotten my bible reading in and that doesn't help either. Tomorrow looks to have that possibility because I should only have 2 kids all day long...and it's Friday and there are no big plans this weekend.  Thank YOU JESUS.

SO...at church on Wednesday nights we are studying a book called "Confronting the Controversies"  We are discussing things like Prayer in Schools, Abortion, Homosexuality, Separation of Church and State, and....I do'nt know what else..I missed a couple of weeks and I don't have my book in front of me right now.

I'm not good with confrontation.  Mind you, I will if necessary but I'd rather not.  I don't like people mad at me, I don't like to feel like an idiot and I get frustrated when I can't get people to understand my point of view.

Now, I have definite opinions on much of the above listed.  I will say my opinions have changed a bit since the start of this series...because last nights topic was Prayer in Schools..and as a Christian, I want my child to be able to pray..the study cleared up some things...like the fact that my child has the right to pray..which I knew but wasn't clear on..etc...and I guess I'm glad (no poison arrows please) that there isn't prayer led by teachers in public school..because..hang on a minute...let me explain myself...because when you allow religion in schools..and prayer in schools..that means that the establishment is teaching my child their beliefs...and not necessarily mine.  It means that whatever religious choices and decisions a teacher has could be pushed on my child as gospel.... I'm not ok with that.  C was in a private school for a couple of years (small town -not soo good public school-had issues and pulled..I'll rant on it all someday I'm sure) It was a church led, christian church led..but not my church's denomination...school.  C got a good education, small environment and went to church.  She studied the bible a bit and learned the bible stories we learned at our church.  Then one day, she was singing a song...called "I have Decided to Follow Jesus"  She loves to sing, and was just singing on the playground while singing.  She was advised she could sing it at home, she could sing it in the car, she could sing it at her church..but she was under no circumstances to sing it there because it went away from their beliefs...they believe that Jesus chose us not us choosing to follow Jesus...now..I don't know what you believe personally...but I believe that God chose us along time ago..and that we still have to choose to follow Jesus..or we ain't goin to heavin..we have to accept Him choosing us..by choosing Him.  I digress..that was a minor thing.  I can teach her what webelieve. But when a young child is taught over and over conflicting beliefs it can be confusing. 

Don't misunderstand...I went through 12 YEARS of parochial school..we won't go there right now...but I was raised going to church, praying before class,etc.  In a wonderful world..I would love for my child to go to school and be taught academics, religion, morals, values.  But in the world we live in, your morals and values may not be mine.  Your religios convictions may not be mine..and I don't know that I want you, as a teacher or administrator, to be able to teach my child your religious beliefs..not as a fact.  I think we all need to learn about other cultures and religious beliefs..even in a catholic school, my senior year, I took a class on world religions and philosophy.  It was portrayed rather well I think and I have a great respect for others opinions and beliefs.  THAT I learned at HOME. 

I never thought I'd say it but I am glad that teacher led, made mandatory by a school, is not allowed in the public school system.  I know some people believe that if prayer were allowed in school it would solve all our problems in teh schools.  Personally...I think the church (All Christians) needs to be the church.  We need to act like Christ and behave as Christ and raise our children to respect one another and themselves...There are a few more things I think we need to do to fix the problems..and prayer is one of them...but it doesnt' have to be over the loudspeaker to be effective in our childrens lives...the prayers we do in the morning before we leave, through out the day, at night..the prayers we teach them to say during the day..because they are guaranteed the right to pray at school..they just can't be forced to....the prayers we teach them to offer at any time..those are the prayers that will make a difference.

I'll step off my soapbox now.  I look forward to hearing what you think!

I'm grateful for all my friends who hugged on me and told me they cared.

blessings and hugs all around

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