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Rated: 18+ · Book · Family · #1201314
Who am I, Where am I Going, and Where have I been? The story of my life!
#491830 added March 2, 2007 at 4:39pm
Restrictions: None
And the fun begins
March 2, 2007

Read the title carefully.  Invoke much sarcasm.  lol

Tonight, C starts basketball practice.  Last year, basketball was finishing up at this time...this year..it's just starting.  Now,  I wouldn't have a problem with that but in about a month, softball practice will start.  That will be the issue.  Because we signed up for basketball to have a winter sport to play.  Softball is our spring sport...One child can only be involved in so many activities..and with 4H and church...1 sport is enough.  It is too late now ...the games will be on Sat mornings..but they better start quickly because softball is her primary sport..she LOVES softball.  She's pretty good for 10.  She's ok at basketball and it keeps her moving and helps her get her back into shape.  I'm just aggrivated they are going to end up overlapping.  I learned that lesson the hard way back in kindergaten...we did softball and soccer that spring...and I was pregnant with J...it was a mess.  I'll stop ranting about this for now...lol..cross that bridge when I come to it I guess. 

This afternoon I took J to the eye dr for his yearly check up.  He had one a couple of years ago, then again last year.  This year he has become far sighted.  Too much so and it now needs to be corrected.  He needs glasses.  Considering the rest of us wear glasses this isn't surprising.  He will be adorable, we picked out ones that he likes.  The problem...oh don't you know?  Haven't you guessed?  THIS CHILD IS 4!!!  He's a BOY.  He is perpetual energy and motion.  Wonder how many pairs of glasses he'll go through in a year?  Especially when the eye dr says he has to wear them ALL THE TIME.  -proof God has a sense of humor.  LOL  Seriously folks..my son is a good boy.  He's lots of fun.  But he's a tad bit ( pick up on the sarcasm people, come on) on the hyper side.  I know he's 4...and he's a boy...but there are days I wonder...

Monday J has a clinic appt, Tuesday we go meet the new Dr. 

I still might be babysitting Sat..I"m trying not to..I want to say no...but what I've said is...if you can't find anyone else I will...I don't want to babysit for 14 hrs on my day off...oh..did I not tell y'all about that?...the 3 kids I just took on..Mom has to work tomorrow...dad's new job wants him to work tomorrow...generally I dont' babysit on Sat's because it's a family day...time to unwind, reload and run if necessary. 

Well, I need to sign off for now.  We have to head out.  I may do another entry when I get back..I have some other news to share....then again I may wait until tomorrow.

ignore the ..... .... through out...my brain is running in too many different directions.

I'm grateful that today I only had 2 kids most of the day!

blessings and hugs

PS....I know ccstring had stuff going on in his life....but it's been since the 19th that he blogged...y'all might throw some prayers his way!

hugs again

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