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#492409 added March 4, 2007 at 4:32pm
Restrictions: None
Tell me, does this sound hateful?
March 4, 2007

My child is the poster child for birth control....that's about how I feel right now?  (off topic..am I the only one that has trouble when they start to write the word right...instead wants to write...write.? Does that make any sense?)

Happy Sunday everyone!!!  We have actually had a decent day up until 15 minutes ago.  It's still a decent day but my eldest child is on my last nerve and seems to want to push me anyway.  We got up, went to church-wonderful sermon...again on Luke 4...but this time our pastor posed as Satan...powerful message...about how satan doesn't always look like or act like who and what we expect..that it is the little subtle messages used to pull us away from God..we had alot of fun and a lot of laughs but the reality is, each of us is tempted and tested on a daily or hourly basis and we need to be aware that just because someone is called friend to us..Satan can use that against us...we need to weigh carefully what we choose to think, say and do...by the bible and God's standards not man's.  There is more in my head but I haven't quite processed it all yet...I'm like that..have to process those things that are deeper than I am...lol

So, after church we went and grabbed a bite to eat and then my beloved and the children went to an auction and I went to Walmart -ALL BY MY SELF!!! *Bigsmile* I didn't get to splurge or anything major but I did get me an organizer/planner to fit in my purse so I can keep track of sports/dr's appts/babysitting kids, etc. 

Went back to the auction-just in time to have my beloved bid on some Disney movies...we got several we didn't have-at like $2 a piece..Land Before Time(4 of them) and some others...if you are looking for one in particular holler because we did get a few we already have. 

I don't sit still and just do nothing at an auction well.  So I brought the kids and the groceries back home.  C has a science test to study for and 2 extra credit projects due tomorrow.  J wanted to watch Open Season and was running around the auction driving me beloved nuts.  So home we came.  I've straightened up the kitchen and done some laundry.  I've commented on a couple of blogs and had a big blow up with C...I"m so flippin tired of the attitude.  Why I got it, over what is, is not important..I wasn't being hateful to her and I don't expect her to be hateful to me.  I told her so in no uncertain terms and she's on a major warning that the next time will wreak major havoc on her social life. 

In about 10 min we have to head back and get my beloved, run in the dollar store for something for this stupid dadgum extra credit project...I'm thrilled they give extra credit, I am...and she's known about this one particular for 3 weeks...but because I said nothing, she did nothing.  Personally, I think 10 is old enough to start being responsible for starting those projects...so she's doing it..and I'll stop at the store..but she is on her own...I have too much to do this evening and if it gets done (and believe me it will..or else)then it's because she spent her evenign getting it done.  Maybe if she misses out on the movies she wants to watch or Extreme makeover Home edition she will be more proactive in the future.

When I get back and get supper under way I am headed into the pit called my youngest childs room.  Normally, on the weekend, I make him go in and clean it up.  Normally, when the kids leave through the week, it's basically clean.  It's been trashed, some things need thrown away, some things need put up..and so I will do it this time.  He actually can do a decent job when I go little by little and tell him, ok, go pick up the legos'...he'll do it..we go by toy type..with me not in the room and he manages just fine....and yes, I should make him come in and help me..he helped make the mess...but I don't have the emotional reserves to argue with why this toy or that one is now trash..or why he's too big for it....or whatever...lol..this is my gift to me...

This week already bodes business...we have 2 basketball practices and 1 game, we have a WIC clinic appt, a dr's appt, and who knows what else will pop up. 

I'm going to head out...I will talk to y'all later. Take care of you,

Blessings and hugs

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