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Rated: 18+ · Book · Family · #1201314
Who am I, Where am I Going, and Where have I been? The story of my life!
#492739 added March 5, 2007 at 5:19pm
Restrictions: None
Maniac Monday
March 5, 2007

Note the fuzzy bunny up top!  It's a gift from kiyasama  :)

Ok! OK!  I know it's supposed to be manic Monday..but I'm not manic today thank you very much..so it's maniac Monday...lol..cause it's been a wee bit crazy.

This morning at 6:10 my beloved got up and got ready for work and I got C up and getting ready for school. J got to sleep in since he didn't have to go to school..I needed him with me for the trip to the WIC clinic.  Got C off to school and my beloved out the door to work and sat down here for 10 minutes..then off to get J up (He, wanted nothing to do with getting up thanks...lol)  My new little boy got here at 8, we got J up and left by 8:15...cereal bars and milk in the van on the way..(hey at least he ate...)

We finally got back here after the clinic and picking up the other 2 kids about 12:15 and one of the boys mom's was sick,so she came to get him YEAH..down 1..lol...At 2, the new one leaves and I layed J and Miss S down..the big kids came in the door at 3:20.  It's been nonstop since.  It really hasn't been that bad but the evening is just begining.  I have to get them fed and ready for the night...before their mom gets here...5 hours...I don't like having them here in the evenings...but money is money.

I managed to get a couple of blogs read but that's about it...tomorrow will be crazier than today because J has to go to the pediatrician (long involved story involving said child's medicaid, allergy meds, ped, allergist and the fun I"ve had in the last few months with all of the above)....if you are truly interested email me...The new pediatrician is 45 min away.  then I have to pick kids up on the way home again.  Tomorrow night is basketball practice.  Thankfully....Wed is clear so far...unless J's glasses come in. Oh wait..church that evening..but at least nothing much during the day.

I am struggling a bit...spiritually.  THat doesn't really explain it very well..it's not that my faith is wavering..but after yesterdays sermon I am looking at my life and wondering if I am being used by Satan in certain places...I never really thought about it that way before...I've seen Satan in my life, battled him, know places I've left the doormat out.  But I've never thought about the fact that I might be used by Satan in someone's life..how awful that would be! I don't want to be used as a tool for the devil....I know all we can do is pray, be steadfast in the word...try to make Godly decisions.....and I've thought many times that I never want to be a stumbling block, keeping people from the Lord..I want to lead them to Him..but I just never looked at it in that light..and it's rather disturbing and scary...anyone with thoughts of wisdom, I'd love to hear it.

Well, I have to start supper for 7...have to load the dishwasher and sweep the kitchen.  C is doing her chores now too and everyone else is either doing homework or playing.  How do mom's who have more than a  couple of kids manage?  I guess iit's what you get used to.  But it's also made me more sure I really dont' want anymore children.-then again my personal views on that will take up a blog entry in and of itself..and to be honest will probably draw some heat...I've surprised more than one person on my views..well...I'll have to pray about opening up that box of worms.

Take care and God bless,
Sending hugs

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