Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/492972-Quick-read-this-before-something-changes
Rated: 18+ · Book · Family · #1201314
Who am I, Where am I Going, and Where have I been? The story of my life!
#492972 added March 6, 2007 at 4:01pm
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Quick read this before something changes!
March 6, 2007

I've decided to do my blog entry today while the kids are eating snack and doing homework.  So far today has been a decent though somewhat crazy day.  Some of it is very sweet, some of it was just plain silly and so far no one has copped an attitude with me today (at least no one under the age of 25)

This morning after getting my beloved up and into the shower and C up and dressing, I went in to wake up J..now let me explain that J is the only morning person in the house..usually....The rest of us are not.  This morning however he didn't want to get up either.  I dressed him anyway and covered him back up while I got his breakfast...he wasn't going to school because he had a dr's appt with the new pediatrician.  In with the chaos of getting C out the door to the bus, I got J up to the table..where he told me he was going to school....lol..and was less than thrilled when I informed him he was not.  While he ate his breakfast, C went to the bus stop, my beloved left for work and I pottied the dogs.  When I came back in, J's bowl was empty...and he was back sleeping on the couch. He Never does that...so anyway, woke him up and we left...thankfully I didn't have to take anyone else with me.  two of them went other places for the morning..the other one stayed home today anyway with a sick dad.

The new ped. is decent..I liked the old one better and if medicaid hadn't messed around we wouldn't have had to go today at all because we'd still have our ped and allergist....he can see his allergist again once we get a new referral from the new ped.  What a mess.  Probably was a good thing I wasn't blogging back in Dec because that's ALL you would have heard was the days saga's.

Picked up all the kids, came home, did lunch and laid everyone down for quiet time.  Interesting point...J, who has given up taking a nap for the last 2 weeks also slept..big sigh..one of two things going on...he's either getting sick...I pray not..or he's growing again and someone better pass me the handmedowns...lol

The big kids are now home, doing homework.  The youngest of my morning crew went home  and J and Miss S are in his bedroom playing.  In 40 minutes we have to leave for basketball practice.  So far I've not gotten any attitude out of C...first time in a week probably...maybe I'm getting through to her?  (Please don't pop my bubble with reality...I dont' really need an answer..unless it's to tell me I'm right, and my moaning, scolding, yelling, disciplining and threatening worse consequences has finally paid off and at least for a brief time she's going to be pleasant to live with.)

LOL..I know, I make her sound horrible. She's really not.  She's a good girl with a good heart.  She's intelligent and funny.  She's athletic and a great helper around the house.  She loves to read and to cuddle.  She thinks half the boys in the world are cute but kissing is gross (thank you Jesus). She loves to sing and she loves being at church.  She's also known for being a good helper there.  There are many many wonderful things about this 10 year old preteen female child of mine.  I hate to always focus on the negative.  My biggest issue is her attitude.  She doesn't seem to understand that it's as much HOW you say something as WHAT you say.  This has always been a problem and I"m not quite sure what else to do.  She's always wanted to push the limits..yet is such a black and white thinker it's difficult sometimes to reconcile the two.

Anyway...I've been slacking on blogs and reviewing...chaos has reigned so much that I just don't seem to be able to even focus to review.  I want to.  I need to be.  I need to do some writing..I have a character journal for the
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.  I haven't touched my classes at A-1 Writing Academy this week either.  I joined the Angel Army and I feel like I'm letting them all down too.  Hopefully tomorrow will be a better writing day since there is less running to do(unless the eye dr calls and J's glasses come in.)

Know that I haven't forgotten y'all.  I'm trying..I really am...

Sending hugs...

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