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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/515965-Oops
Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1268197
Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below.
#515965 added June 18, 2007 at 8:33pm
Restrictions: None
14 Nur 164 BE – Monday, June 18, 2007 5:31:04 PM PDT

Oops! I looked at the goals for this blog recently and found that I haven’t been vigilant about those when posting. Apparently, I need to have things like that right in front of me or I forget them. I’m going to post the goals in the introduction to this blog, that way I can have them right in front of me when I go to post and entry.

Oops! I haven’t updated my blog in about two or three days. It wasn’t that I didn’t have an idea, I did. I was composing an entry titled Observations, it’s just that I couldn’t focus on it. I don’t know why maybe it’s been all that’s going on in my life. I think I’m falling into a brown study, become a bit depressed, but that shouldn’t stop me from writing. I’m not that depressed, at least, I don’t think so. I really don’t know what’s been wrong with me lately. Anyway, I finished my Sixth Decade list of things I want to do before I turn 70 years old.

Oops! Ok, I just put that there to go along with the above entries. I’m going to post the Observations entry I composed the other day.

Observation 1

The Lord has a sense of humor. When test confront us, the same test keeps confronting us until we pass it. When we have made up our mind that a situation is one way, then God shows us that it is another. OK, I’m speaking in generalities here, because I’m attempted to get a few thing straight in my mind and I don’t want to go into specifics until … at this point.

As I said God, the Lord or the Beloved whichever name a person want’s to use for the creator has a sense of humor. He’s given me one test right after another lately, of course some of these are my own fault for ignoring my gut feeling in the past. So maybe the solution is to ignore my logical brain from now own and only follow my gut feeling. That may take care of a lot of problems, test and difficulties, not all of course, but some.

Observation 2

I like tiramsu, I had that wonderful desert for the first time last night. It is heavenly. It is better than chocolate. I know some chocolate lovers may disagree, but only those who haven’t tried tiramsu. That marvelous desert if one of those offered at the Macaroni Grill. Go there and order it, if you order nothing else. I don’t know how much it cost, because my dinner last night was paid for by someone else.

Observation 3

It’s easier to keep your house, e-mail box and life uncluttered then to unclutter it after the fact.

Observation 4

My car has an odd odor to it. I’m not precisely sure what it is that smells but it reminds me of a stable or a barn. Actually a barn, because I’ve never been in a horse stable and I’ve been in a number of barns. I imagine a stable probably smells similar to a barn. I need to clean my car out, and then I need to get it washed. I got an idea about washing the car; if I get a bucket, I can put water in the bucket and wash the car in the garage. That way the water police may not see me washing the car and give me a ticket. I’ve had speeding tickets and tickets for running a red light, but I’ve never had a ticket for washing my car when there is a water shortage.

Observation 5

I will be so glad when my garbage disposal is fixed so I can use the dishwasher without worrying …

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