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Thoughts between gasps for fresh inspiration. . .
#517020 added June 24, 2007 at 7:25am
Restrictions: None
Time Flies When I Write
I can't believe it's been weeks since I've blogged. I've been writing a lot. I have yet to complete the 67 beauty blogs of my last assignment. My deadline came and went, and I'm still working on them. My boss hasn't gotten so upset as the fire me, as a matter of fact he's going with the flow nicely.

It hasn't been but about 6 months that I've been working regularly at getting paid writing jobs. It's not enough money to call it a living, but I've managed to accumulate about $200.00 worth of writing jobs each month. It was mostly academic writing until about April. I bid on a job to spin three articles, and my writing style worked out for me to continue with him as he reworks the web site.

The problem is, besides not being finished on time, and still dragging along, I've kind of run out of something to say. Or, I think, rather I know I've said it already, but I'm not sure exactly where. I re-composed a 50 page e-book on beauty tips before I started the blogs. I don't think anybody is going to read me in the order I wrote, but it's a little disconcerting to feel like you're just repeating yourself.

I'm more than halfway finished, and I picked up a few more beauty tip books at the used book store. I think I ran across the book that the original beauty tip info came from. It wasn't plagerised, but it sure did sound familiar. Sounded just like what's echoing in my head.

I've worked on "beauty" as a topic so exclusively, that I'm getting kind of burned out. I'm approaching these blogs from a keyword standpoint, and I've just about finished it all except for info about some specific cosmetics companies, and info on mineral makeup. I have 6 more ready to type up on the Content Composer software. I always write everything with pen and paper before I type. Guess that's why it takes me so long.

Content Composer is wonderful for keeping up with keyword usage and percentages. It makes keyword density a formula so you can't mess up if you stay within guidelines. I really like the software, except the print is in about 7 point, and it's difficult for me to read. The support FAQs say to copy it to Word if you can't see it. But then, what's the point of using the program if you compose in another program. Anyhow, I like what I can see, and appreciate the keyword backup.

I bid on a couple of jobs at Writerlance, just to break the monotony, but none of the jobs has been awarded yet. But I did get an unexpected e-mail from a contact about academic writing from probably a month ago. I'm bad at judging time, but it was when school was letting out. I don't remember who this group was, but they're paying $7.00/page, which isn't bad. I had to write a 1/2 page sample on the topic of "Man and Spirituality". Talk about something that's hard to put into words. I dabbled at the topic off and on for about 6 hours, then just typed up the best comprehendable stuff I could. If my life depended on it, I did make some effort. Jeez, what a topic.

I was late getting my write up for the June workshop newsletter and prompt of "Jackpot. I left out two sections I'd planned to type up, but the reading material is long enough as it is. There's a sample for a character profile sheet, and some people should find that helpful. I've got an add running for it now. I always do that when my workshop item's new to try to draw in more participants. Last month drew a lot of reviewers, or readers actually. Not everybody ends up participating, but that's the way free workshops are.

The sun is rising on the first Sunday morning of summer. Summer in Dallas has been rain and more rain. I think we've had a month with rain every day. The grass is real green, but nobody has much of a tan working. The temp was in the 90s for a week, but it's cooled down to the 80s with the rain. It's unusually pleasant for late June.The weather's been so strange the past few years, it might even stay pleasant all summer. Well, I can hope.
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