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#523957 added July 26, 2007 at 11:44pm
Restrictions: None
It's late, I'm tired
July 26, 2007

So I might be rambly. lol

I have not had such a good day. As a a matter of fact I waited to blog because I was in a rather whiny, crabby, cranky mood...and while I know it will come through a bit that I'm still a bit down..I'm doing better.

But then I went to read purtycurls 's blog and she got very deep. She's got a lot going on, single mom with a son who has some special needs. She's dealing with multiple surgeries...one pending in August and very little help around her.....and she's always there to send a hug or encourage me when I'm down...and she got me thinking so much when she said "Are you standing in the gap for someone else today or is someone standing in the gap for you? If neither is true, are you prepared to be available to do so when called upon, or are you gonna run and hide and say, "It's not my problem" ? "  Wow....we all need to think about  that...she was praising God for giving her the chance to have compassion shown to her today and for being given the chance to show compassion..and that's the attitude to have.  I need to look through different glasses....then to my suprise there she goes extoling my virtues, making me cry and making me feel like I'm not being me here...but trust me..this is it..lol ...so then...I go to comment..cause I loved the question she posed..and needed to point out the fact that she darn near made me cry and how I feel likea fraud...and kh53150 is saying I'm awesome...ok..now I am crying..cause I feel far from it..but thank you both very much for loving and encouraging me. It means alot...we are all just walking alone, trying to make it and have some fun in the process....anyone for an online waterfight???? lol

So why was I not having a good day before?  So glad you asked...warning a bit of venting ahead.

Medicaid is on my list again..though part of it is the Dr.'s fault and for the love of all that is Holy I wish they'd all get their acts together. Dr wrote her a new script for her allergy med, the one they said she HAD to be on instead of the zyrtec she'd been on....and she's been on it for 2 months..it's not doing enough...so he wanted to up it....they said, no, sorry you'll have to play our game of lets see who can waste the most paper and lose their minds in the process. OK>..no, what they said was..that needs prior authorization....Mike tried to call the insurance company last night (to spare me having to do it today...gotta love him....) and they were unavailable...they closed at 6...I talked to our advocate today..she wasn't much help at first but she did look into things and called me back to let me know that it was the dr's office screw up not theirs.  The dr's office disagrees, meanwhile she's on the old dosage while they figure it out..no matter that her allergies were out of control because she'd been off meds for the allergy testing....and that her allergies trigger her asthma...or that she leaves for camp in 3 DAYS!!!  A fact I made very loud and clear to all of them dagnabit!

In other news...my advisor came through, got me into the Spanish class...I reserved my books...finally..had to make a bunch of calls and wait for callbacks and try to figure things out..UGGGGH....especially then when I had someone on the phone I found the spot that told me what I'd needed to know....Murphy....or let's see..I guess I could use Nada 's friend Pollyanna and find something positive to turn it into but my brain is too tired to figure that out.

My classes for the fall are Basic Algebra (cause I don't do math so very well and can't take college math without it..lol..this one scares me..and then I Have to take the college math one...next semester..ug) English 111 (which is freshman english) communications 101-which is speech, spanish 101 which is self explanatory or should be..lol..and a college intro course that they require...it's 14 hours..I inteded to carry 12...but because the college intro course is only 1 credit hour and I have to have 12 to be full time I had to pick up another class..then the spanish class was 4 credit hours...goollly..lol  I'm excited in a way, scared a bit...but I think it will be fun.

Still waiting on final aproval for the apartment but we SHOULD have it tomorrow. Tomorrow is also the last day of the bible daycamp...so we will head out in the morning to go to it..then I get to go to the dr's..yippy...lol...my blood pressure is not under control and needs meds..new dr I'm hoping he'll just do it and not decide he needs to watch it like the last one..who basically did nothing...I want to lose weight but I'm half scared to work out and really get my pulse and pressure up there...then I'm spending the rest of the day probably getting ready to send Cassy back to camp...she's excited and after the way the kids all behaved together today...I'm guessing it's a good thing..they've driven me nuts this week.

Well, I'm gonna sign off...I'm tired and need to get a shower before heading to bed..cause I know I will want to sleep until the last possible minute..rush the kids through their cereal and out the door...don't want to miss that shower before goign to a new dr...even if he's not going to see my in my skivvies...lol.

On a side note...my 14th wedding anniversary is Tuesday July 31st...and as strange and interesing coincidence Special Kay 's 13th wedding anniversary is on Monday July  30th...so stop in and wish her a Happy Anniversary and send her poor broken baby toe a big kiss...lol...ok...getting goofy now.

Hope y'all sleep well and have a great night.

hugs and blessings

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