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#524145 added July 27, 2007 at 10:10pm
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Prayer request and my day
July 27, 2007

Hello everyone!

2 prayer requests...one for a friend, one for Cassy.

My beloved's best friend's mom had a stroke a few days ago....he lives in Indiana..she lives in Florida...and he's quite worried..she's not being very forthecoming.

Prayer request #2....Cassy came home from bible day camp not feeling well and running a temp...we go to the dr in the morning and I suspect that she's got a sinus infection from being off her meds for the allergy testing.  She's back on them but I don't think she's under control...under normal circumstances this would be a pain but not great big deal..unfortunately she's supposed to go to church camp on Sunday...and I've got to get her fever free before we go or she can't...this has all been paid by scholarship and our church...and it will break her heart to not get to go..and this is the LAST session of the season...so no switching...so if today's fever could be it and we can get her on meds in the morning and out to camp Sunday afternoon that would be a huge blessing...thanks in advance.

Today has not been so great..but most of it's my attitude...it sucks. Wish I could say differently but it's a fact. I went to the dr this morning..new dr but it went well. I like him alot and he started me on a blood pressure med and we talked about diet and exercise. He also started me on a decongestant that won't aggrivate my blood pressure and a nasal spray for my allergies. I feel rather positive.

Went to the drugstore..which is my source of frustration...not the drugstore itself but medicaid's refusal on certain meds...today they didn't have the decongestant I was prescribed...and I sat and wait as they tried to figure out what to do.

Came home and took a nap...for about 2.5 hours..then got up, went to pick up the kids and it just kind of all fell apart...kids fighting, hollering, yelling at each other...by the time I got home I was ready to beat someone...though to my credit I did not. That's when I discovered Cassy was running a temp...in trying to get her taken care of I was going to take her to an urgent care...I discovered I had to to have authorization from the dr's office...by the time they called me back (cause they were closed...of course) it was also too late to head to prompt care. She will luckily be seen in the dr's office tomorrow morning..unfortunately that means I miss my prayer group.

THere's other just stuff bugging me...though I've settled down some...Mike and I have talked, joked, and eaten dinner with the family. His best friend is here and we are going to play some cards or something.

Hope you have a great weekend.

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