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Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1268197
Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below.
#525962 added August 5, 2007 at 11:18am
Restrictions: None
The first day of the second week in August
5 Kamal 164 B.E. - Sunday, August 5, 2007 at 8:11:41 AM PDT

I look out my window and see a cloudy sky. It’s still early here in Vegas, only about 6:00 A.M. I haven’t been outside yet or even listened to the morning news, so I can’t say for sure how cloudy it is or how cloudy it will get. Not that it really matters how many clouds we have, this is the 2nd week in August, it’s still monsoon season, the humidity is up and I have a heat rash between my boobs.

I was unable to complete the 21 Days of Poetry Challenge II, however I kept the prompt and completed those yesterday. I posted the last response early this morning WDC time. I changed the name of the book, it’s now "Invalid Item . I still have about 4 entries I can put in that book, so I’m going to find other prompts else where to respond to.

I encounter something interesting on one of my yahoo groups yesterday. It was a reference to prayerstreaming. I did a web search and the only thing I found on the subject was a couple of books. I didn’t keep the names of them, but I’ll do another search later and then tomorrow when we get out, I’ll go to the library and see if I can check out a book on the subject. I’m not going to buy the book until I have looked at it. I need to see if I really want it as part of my permanent library or I just want to read the book.

Today daily prompt in the yahoo journal-writing group is “What's your favorite part of your body? Why is it a favorite?” This is one of those prompts repeated once a year. Last night I though about not answering prompt, but I’ve changed my mind. I think I’ll put that in "Invalid Item and write a poem about it. I think writing about my favorite body part would be a good exercise. Right now, I think I’ll use one of my own body part, rather than choosing one from someone else. I’m not sure whether I’ll post the response to the group or not. I’ll have to think about that.

Speaking of my yahoo e-mail box, I finally cleaned it out. I just took a deep breath and started deleting. OK, maybe it wasn’t as swiftly as that, but I did ge it down to a reasonable amount. Now if I can only keep it that way. The problem with e-mail is it’s a never ending battle to keep the inbox clear of junk.

I also rejoined a yahoo group I’d unsubscribed to a year or so ago. When I unsubscribed, I didn’t realize how much I would miss that group. It’s a daily prompt group. The prompts are the type that I can use either as a journal or blog entry or for a story or poem. I think I have to post about once a week and responds to the entries of other about the same way. Posting to a group once a week or once a month I can handle. Fortunately, the responses don’t have to be reviews, my reviews are becoming very involved.

Talking about posting to groups, there are a couple or three I have to post to on writing.com. I think I’ll post "Invalid Item to the poetry group. Even though the book isn’t completed yet I’d like some feedback on what I’ve written. I also have to post to the yahoo journal-writing group. Today is share an entry Sunday, so maybe I’ll post the link to this blog and let the group read it. That sound’s like a good idea, especially since I haven’t made a lot of other journal or blog entries else where and am too sleepy dot do any right now.

I just looked outside, it’s clear to partly cloudy. That’s alright for now, I have to go to the store after while and then to the gas station. I’d rather not drive in the rain here in Vegas. Not that I don’t drive in the rain, it’s just that if I have a choice I’d rather watch the rain from my living room.

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