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Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1268197
Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below.
#525544 added August 3, 2007 at 2:38am
Restrictions: None
UFOs and Nelson’s Landing
3 Kamal 164 B.E. – Thursday, August 02, 2007 at 11:33:44 PM PDT

This entry is the results of finding "Invalid Item"   [] by A Guest Visitor on writing.com. Nelson’s Landing is a little town on the other side of Boulder City, Nevada. To get to there you take either Boulder Highway or 95 toward Boulder City then take turn onto a road that goes toward Arizona. Nelson’s Landing is a left turn off that road. OK, I’ve been there only once and it was a long time ago.

Anyway, Nelson’s Landing got its name because boat that went up and down the Colorado River used to dock there. That was before Hoover Dam was constructed. Nelson’s Landing is in the Rockies. In the mountains around it are navigational beacons used by the air force.

Several years ago, there was a big flap about people living in Nelson’s Landing seeing UFOs. I don’t know what anyone actually saw, it could’ve been anything. A person can see some odd things in the mountains and desert around here, not to mention the sky. I mean what with the navigational beacons, the test sight and the UFO Highway there is a lot of weird and interesting things going on in this area.

I remember seeing a UFO once, not around here. The UFO I saw was in Oklahoma. I’m not sure how old I was at the time, we were at the trailer house my Grandparents had on Lake Blackwell. I was lying in bed and looking out the window, when this round object made some extremely unusual maneuvers in the sky above. True I was young (probably in grade school), I could’ve been drifting off to sleep and had a dream, but I don’t think so. I didn’t think so then and I don’t think so now. I saw a UFO!

As far as I know, UFO aliens haven’t abducted me; that would probably be an interesting experience. Of course, in my 60 some years I’ve had a lot of interesting experience, some of which I’d just as soon forget. I remember traumatic experiences, so I’d probably remember a UFO abduction. The pleasant untraumatic experiences don’t want to remain in my memory.

Now to the question – Do I believe in UFOs? I saw one. Seeing is believing or is it believing is seeing. Actually, I’m attempting to keep an open mind on the subject. What I do believe is that creatures live on other planets in the universe. I suspect there are civilizations that are more advanced and less advanced then the civilization here on earth. I also think that my belief or disbelief has absolutely no effect on whether creatures live on other planets or not. If there are creatures on other planets or UFOs in the sky above earth then they exist whether I believe in them or not.

I don’t think the Men in Black are going to come after me. When we lived in Oklahoma City, my bother had a school friend who swore the Men in Black were after him. I never saw any of them following him, so I don’t know one way or another whether they were out to get him or not. Let’s face it I’ve encountered some odd … weird … interesting people in my life. Some I’d like to meet again and some I’d just as soon never met at all. Although if I hadn’t met them I would be a completely different person today. This topic has gotten away for UFOs and Nelson’s Landing. Therefore, I think I’ll post it and go to bed. Maybe I’ll dream of UFOs or the Men in Black.

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