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Rated: 13+ · Book · Sci-fi · #1342671
Science Fiction set in the far future. Earth has been lost, and is now surrounded in myth.
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#551194 added November 23, 2007 at 10:54pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 4 (Discussions)
Scientists currently estimate that the earth's population will continue to decrease exponentially until it reaches a sustainable point approaching that of the late 19th century. Dr. Marcus, the lead Earth researcher, and founding member of the "Save our Past" organization, stated that further population estimates may be difficult due to the Arconauts' new defense satellites, and he urged the tri-presidents the authorize a military force to "save them from themselves." Final Earth Report on Tri-Council TV.

Maddie sat on the train of detainees, thinking about how she was going to get her self out of this mess. She decided that it wouldn't be a good idea to shoot her way out this time, as these were the "good guys," as if that term really meant anything. Maddie had come up with a lot of new ideas since she'd talked to Janie. One of them involved relighting an old fire, but she put that thought aside. Instead, she decided to focus on her plan to recover the lost probe. Assuming, of course, that she got cleared sometime soon, she would gather Janie, the admiral, and whatever motley crew the two of them had been able to put together, and get a head start. Whomever it was that had hit the station had obviously had the intention of slowing down whatever progress Janie's team had made. If this was the case, it was probably one of the other two galactic civilization. Maddie hadn't believed Janie when she said it was a combined fleet, and now she had even more suspicions.

The train reached its destination; the central security plaza. Maddie laughingly thought to herself about the security plaza. This wasn't a military instillation; it was a civilian station. The last time she'd been here, she and Janie had been dragging Buck; the station drunk, to the small lock-up. She sniggered. One of the marines looked at her and glared.
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