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Rated: 18+ · Book · Family · #1201314
Who am I, Where am I Going, and Where have I been? The story of my life!
#553541 added December 5, 2007 at 3:36pm
Restrictions: None
Are you going to make me beg?
Dec 5, 2007

Yesterday I posted a request for your favorite Christmas/Kwanza/Hannukah or your worst...it doesn't have to be long..it can just be a couple of sentences....it can be a poem....I know we are all busy....but PLEASE just shout out that you are going to send me something.....then send it to me so I don't have to come personally begging to each and every blog!


(this is not beneath me...but I'd hate to fail my algebra final because I spent too much time begging in each blog for stories...) I have received one...thanks to David McClain .  Thanks Tor for helping me and the Blogville News out. :)

guilt-check. :)

I'm struggling a bit today-I know what's new


Today I'm struggling with finding God's will-no, that's not true-I'm having trouble believing that I understand God's will to be what I think it is..and even more trouble following it. It's uncomfortable and scary.  While I am, with spousal support-trying to submit to God's will-it's difficult and not being done with a trusting heart.  One of these decisions includes some financial stuff-already tight and scared to death with how we can make it-yet what choice do I really have? Yes, I can walk away from what I truly believe is the Almighty's will...and strive to figure it out on my own-but that doesn't grow my relationship with Him and it doesn't guarantee a fix.  Trusting Him means letting go of something I believe can help us financially-but who better to help us than God? He knows what lies ahead.  But I tend to second guess myself. And it's not an easy time of year for me to begin with. I'm looking at the next few weeks, wondering desperately how we are going to make it and yet,as purtycurls keeps reminding me (thanks hun, you don't know how much the common sense helps) God hasn't brought me this far to drop me on my ass. I know God is able and capable and has promised that He will take care of me.  I believe this with my entire being. So why am I so scared?
Well- there was once an entry entitled "I am a Control Freak" You can go back and find it if you'd like to see the actual admission.  I want to know how it's going to work. I want reassurance that it's going to work and know when thank you very much. I know that's not the way He works and I know I'll be calmer if I focus somewhere else. BUT BUT BUT...I'm not calmer, I pray He will give me that peace. Besides..who wants to focus for the algebra final? lol

Say some prayers for me please. Hugs are good too..lol

Onto other things...I have good news...for once this week..lol

I just posted a new item in my port....I meant to before now but had forgotten.
"Invalid Item

This is a paper I turned in back in October.  I got my grade..finally today..and got a 98/100!!!  I'm so excited.  I'm hoping I do as well on the last one I wrote. It's already been posted in my port. "Invalid Item. There is an entire folder for my school stuff. Either people are afraid to rate it-or don't want to have to review it as well..lol cause most of it's been read, but not rated..not that I care...I figure my prof's know what they are doing and I'm making decent grades.  But I wanted to share my grades with y'all. I"ll let ya know for sure when they are all tallied....9 days left.

shameless plug-check check

I hope everyone is doing well. I"ve subjected ya'll to enough for today. I'll be around to visit as I can.

hugs and blessings

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