Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/597643-Busy-again
Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #1051691
Life, Adventure, Family, Writing what else is there? Random thoughts.
#597643 added July 21, 2008 at 9:30am
Restrictions: None
Busy again
Well, it's been another 3 weeks since I wrote and needless to say it's been busy and hectic. I hate playing catch up like this but hey, what can you do? *Wink*

Our trip was Catalina was fun for everyone but me. Since Joseph is so young, I was really the primary looker-outer for him. He loved the golf cart rides, but he's at that age where he wants to explore and sitting still is a challenge for him. (It was a challenge for Andrew too at that age.) Brent fished - ALL THE TIME. It was annoying, to tell you truthfully. I found an hour here or there while Joseph slept so I could read a book - "Once and Always," by Judith McNaught. It was a good read and put me in a "romance" mood. *Smile*

The golf cart parade was fun. The family had two golf carts, but I wanted to see the parade so I sat on the curb in the shade with Joseph (of course!) He slept for a little bit but when the USC marching band came by he woke up and was a little fussy. (Can you blame him?) The fireworks were nice over the bay and lasted about 15 minutes.

When we got back we began to rearrange the house because Joseph needed his own room. We made guest bedroom his room and moved guest bedroom downstairs to the computer room. Then we put the computer room in the nursery. The project still isn't done. Brent painted the guest bedroom and Joseph's room and there's still more furniture arranging and curtain buying to do.

Joseph had his evaluations for the Regional Center. He needs speech, occupational, and child development therapy. They will start after 01 August when the funding comes in. We're looking forward it. I think he'll start to thrive once he gets it. My Mother in law said he said, "Cheese" 8 or 9 times last night when he was eating a cheese pizza. We were very excited by that.

Andrew & Joseph started American Red Cross swim lessons last week and they have another week of it. The lessons are at 9:05 am which really taps out my morning, but Andrew is doing really good and is working on his stroking.

I'm doing good on my Weight Watchers and I'm down a total of 19 pounds. *Bigsmile* I'm half way to where I want to be, but it's been hard. It helps that Brent is on weight watchers too.

As for writing, I haven't gotten much done. I did a couple of book reviews for ONCE AND ALWAYS by McNaught and AGAINST A CRIMSON SKY by Martin which is about Poland in the late 1790's. I found the book very interesting. It surprised me and I enjoyed reading it. My next book is THE 13TH TALE.

I've slowly but surely been tackling my writing project, my novel of THE WOLF'S KISS. Right now I'm re-reading, editing the opening chapters and draft the next arc of the book. I do most of that at work and quite honestly it depends on the position I'm at as to how far I get done. I'm on the radio today so I hope to write a chapter at least.

I'm still *Smile* over my mentions in the lasted WRITER'S DIGEST magazine where they listed the Popular Fiction winners and honorable mentions.


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