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by Shyly
Rated: 13+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1563702
child's play is overrated
#651388 added May 24, 2009 at 4:43am
Restrictions: None
6 months later...

He couldn’t believe it, Suze was goanna freak, she hated that he went on so many trips.  He’d opened a catering business and it had boomed, people loved his cooking.  He was one of the most requested chefs and he loved it, but Size didn’t.  She’d pucker up her lips, frown, her blue eyes would turn icy…

         “Baby…this is good money”

         “We don’t need the money, am an heiress remember?”

         “I don’t want your family’s money, am doing what I love, why can’t you just be happy about that, why can’t you just be happy for me?”

         “I am happy for you, but you’re always working, you stay locked up in that restaurant of yours as if there is no one that can do what you do, I wouldn’t mind having to sleep with you once in a while, I’d like to know that when I close my eyes, my fiancĂ© is in bed with bed, I’d like to open my f***ing eyes and see you there with me!”  He sighed

         “I know these people baby…”

         “You know every freaking body…”

         “They requested me, me especially”

         “Nothing special, they always request you!”

         “I knew these people since I was born” he had never told her of Donatella, just her family. “She’s an old friend of the family, she’s getting married and wants me to be the chef”  he pleaded, “Come on, why don’t you come with me, meet them…you’ll get to see my mother again”

         “Your mother doesn’t like me”

         “That’s not true” it really was, but what was the point of agreeing with her, “My family loves you, and if we’re goanna get married…”

         “I know, I know, I know, you’re lucky I love you”

         “I know” he smiled…he wondered if Dona was going to be there…

She had wanted to surprised her mother by coming two weeks early, her mom had planned a Christmas wedding just for her, so she could come and not miss any classes, she was now trying to get her master’s degree in Bioscience.  Jones wanted them to get married as soon as possible, she had put it off till Christmas.  Dona had a month off for Christmas vacation, Caro was goanna come a week later, she couldn’t come early due to work.  As she rung the bell, standing in the cold…she knew she should have looked for her key.

         “Nobody’s there” a voice called out, it sounded familiar enough, she turned around frowning.  Saw two guys coming towards her, but couldn’t make out the features.  “Donatella?”  She squinted harder, then recognition hit, Shane and Jamal.

         “Don’t you have a key?” Shane frowned

         “Um yea, but I lost it…” had it been a year since she last saw them?  Time passes so quickly, it felt like a years.

         “Come on then, it’s freezing out here” Jamal said blowing on his hand as he grinned, he hadn’t changed at all…

         “Maybe I should call my mom, you know” She frowned

         “You’d be wasting your time, your mom and them ain’t coming till tomorrow, they went to went to pick up Jones mother and his kids”

         “Oh yeah, I guess I shoulda thought of that, I thought they’d already be here though” Shane frowned at her.

         “You might as well come in with us” he said, she nodded, they walked ahead in silence. 

         “Mom, guess who we ran into?”  Jamal called as they entered the house.  Mrs. Lawrence and Mr. Lawrence were both sitting and watching TV.

         “Is that Donatella?” Mrs. Lawrence got up to hug her, Dona hugged her back fiercely, Mr. Lawrence too hugged her.

         “Wow, Donatella yuh look so different”  She knew she did, she had changed over the past year, her hair fell to her back, with her heavy bangs falling to her forehead, she wore little make-up, mostly mascara and lipstick.  She wore a burgundy, sleeveless, halter top with jeans and high boots, her black jacket was long and heavy and kept her from the cold.  She wore some dangling silver earrings, her nails were short, she wore a red nail polish and a tiny silver band. 

         “Come, don’t be a stranger dear, go hang yuhr jacket now” Mrs. Lawrence said as she helped her out of the jacket.  “Oh it’s been so long, mi can’t believe it’s been a whole year since I last saw yuh”

         “Yea” she smiled lightly.

         “Damn, you still look just as beautiful, these ‘years’ sure did you good” Jamal laughed, Mrs. Lawrence rolled her eyes.

         “None o that now” Mr. Lawrence said sternly

         “Honey?” a voice called, she knew that voice, she suddenly felt really cold, it couldn’t be…it was. “Oh hi?” She frowned.

         “Oh uh, Suze this is Donatella, she’s our neighbor” Shane finally spoke, he went to Suze taking her hand in his, she smiled slightly

         “Nice to meet you, you know it’s the weirdest thing, I swear I’ve seen you before” she batter her overly filled mascara lashes.

         “Yeah, probably at Shane’s graduation, a couple of my friends were graduating too”

         “Ah, yeah, now I remember you, so good to see you again!” she came and shook Donatella’s hand, Donatella smiled.

         “She’s goanna be spending the night here…” Mrs. Lawrence started

         “That’s not necessary, I still know people that live around here…”

         “You make it sound as if you don’t leave here anymore” Shane started as Jamal said, “This is your second home”

         “I don’t, I moved down to VA” she smiled, he cocked a surprised brow

         “VA as in Virginia?” Jamal whistled

         “Yeah, I thought I needed the change” she smiled, “I told your mom” she nodded towards Mrs. Lawrence who blushed

         “Mom?” Shane frowned

         “Oh why are we all standing around like this, come on now, let’s take a seat everyone, sit next to me Donatella dear, tell me what’s been happening with you”  Suze’s eyes narrowed at that.  Mrs. Lawrence had never called her dear, never called her anything actually, just an acknowledging nod.  Shane squeezed her hand as if to apologize, suddenly Suze wondered who Donatella was, not just to this family but to Shane.

© Copyright 2009 Shyly (UN: djoulde at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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