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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/692616-Got-Milk
Rated: E · Book · Other · #1645936
A journey through life, complete with life lessons!
#692616 added April 8, 2010 at 2:15am
Restrictions: None
Got Milk?!....
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Whatever relationships you have attracted in your life at this moment,
are precisely the ones you need in your life at this moment.
There is a hidden meaning behind all events,
and this hidden meaning is serving your own evolution.

~ Deepak Chopra

Returned home pretty late this evening...but well...that's the way it goes. It attempted to snow again today...the nerve!!! I thought it was spring! *Confused* Guessing it's just South Dakota for you! Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 60's! Stay tuned!
When I returned home, I was greeted by the 'children'...they seemed a bit hungry, so I quickly placed some apples out. I haven't seen them in a few days here. Anyway... Trying to get myself comfortable, I turned on the television and went to turn towards the bedroom to get my pj's out, when... what did I hear on the television???!!!!.......The advertisement of the newest show on tvland called, "First Love...Second Chance"! *Shock* I shouted, "Noooooooooooo...quick! I need to change that channel...I can't stand to hear this commercial." I then did an about face and ran(practically fell over myself) towards the channel changer. I mean really...who needs to be reminded of that one true love...that first love that ended and you have to live with it for the rest of your life with regrets. Not me!!
Nowww...don't get me wrong...I know things happen for a reason. You come together for a reason, you serve that purpose and then you and that other go on. Yet, how can you just forget about it? Do you ever forget about it? I suppose the way we had to end it was disturbing for both of us. It was unfinished, I guess you could say. I was forbidden to ever see my first love again...and no matter how much he tried...no matter all the letters he wrote and phone calls he made, he was never able to reach me because I never got them. Sort of reminds me of that movie, The Notebook...Did you ever see that?! Another movie I can't watch! *Rolleyes* Gee...now that I think of it...I think I've been traumatized! BAHAHAHA *Laugh*
We actually did meet up when I was down in Louisiana two years ago, and it was as if we never parted, but you know what?... As luck would have it, he shared with me that he was married, and although he told me he was unhappy in his marriage and asked me if I would wait for him to leave her, I suggested he finish what he started with the woman he married. I shared that there could never be anything with us but friend, for I hold honor and respect for marriage, and couldn't be the one to step in to be the 'other' woman. I spent the time with him catching up on old times, but in the end...we both knew it would never be. He confessed He was afraid of leaving her because he would lose everything, and I just gave a gentle smile of understanding, although I left with the thought in my head that he lost more than just material things when he attached his soul to them as he had. I won't ever look back again after this, as I reflect on it now (It was that darn commericial...I hate that commercial!)...oh well, it gave me something to write about! HA!
I believe it was our dear Alfred who said in someone else's blog, You're a fool, only if you fall in love with the wrong guy. I don't know about that. Is there ever the 'wrong' person? I believe we are in another person's life either in the capacity of teacher/or student. We always come away with something and we should be grateful, no matter how the relationship turns out. We need to be grateful for that lesson. My thought this night anyway.
Okay well...my warm milk is gone...I drank it all, and now it is time for bed over here. I've tired myself out typing.*Laugh* I look forward to tomorrow...it's a new day...a new creation. I only wish it were Friday! *Laugh**Wink*
Enjoy your moments given over there!!! That is all we are guaranteed! *Heart*

My 'Gift' Of Song For You This Day~
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