Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/713593-Decembernewspaper-notes
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#713593 added December 21, 2010 at 10:21am
Restrictions: None
Decembernewspaper notes.
Fundraiser for the men’s and women’s tennis program. Went really well 45 players…assistant both teams…Ryan Ingram….
The trophies were huge. They are mag.

The weather was great most pleasant day we had all month.

Eeked out a victory in 3 sets. Lost first set five…won two down and came back 7 five great competition.

Carol Carlson and Diane Lewis…

3.5 doubles.
- " Saturday of the tournament was the nicest weather we have had all month, so the weather gods definitely cooperated.

- The trophies were magnificent. (You probably don’t want to put that in there – but they were really huge!!)

- The tournament was well run, it was a lot of fun, and it was for a good cause. I hope that next year there will be even greater participation". --Francess Clay

charlie Aguilar 60's 116
southern 22
georgia 6

I'm playing the 60 division and my tentative published rankings are #6 in GA and #22 in the South and I'm still waiting for a National Ranking.
I performed well for my coming back to competition. I worked as hard as time permitted on condtioning, stroking, and playing practice matches. I competed with a strained knee that needs further rehab in the off season. It did hinder my last results.
My goals for next year are to play a few more tournaments to be a little more ready for the bigger tournaments.
My last tournament I lost a 3 set match and had match points. I lost focus for just two points and couldn't regain it. Suddenly I found myself shaking hands at the net with my opponent who was as surprised as I that he beat me.
I tell students that I coach they will find out something about character in every match played. I accepted that defeat with dignity and wished him success in the future.
I'm looking forward to facing him again.
I would be happy to give u a quote....what do u need? I didn't know. Charlie has been a great coach for our team. Coaching us thru two 3.0 state championships & helping us as we work to improve our skills at the 3.5 level. He has patience and teaches in a way that is easy to comprehend. He also takes an interest in watching us during out 3.5 matches and then works on the areas that need improvement. Our team nickname for Charlie is "Charlie's Angels". He has been a great coach and mentor.

Ken Nelson 6th - in his age division 75's


2. how long have you played tennis? 8 years

3. How many on the team were Middle Ga residents? 5 from Macon (Myself, Shawnder Worthington, Angie Miller, Amy Mathew and Kathy Tripp)
4. Tell a few sentences about how you were down and struggled to come back? or, something where you overcame adversity during your team match. Our team were playing the 1st place team. Me and my partner took the 1st set quite easily, but they came back and took the 2nd set. In the 3rd set, we were down 1-5. We ended up winning in the tiebreaker! What a victory, and a nail biter for the rest of our team.

5. who played the clinching match? We were tied at 2-2. Our # 5's came through and won, to put us at 3-2

6. how did it feel to win the title? Gratifying. I had recruited Angie, Shawnder and Amy for the season. Amy and Angie had never played ALTA. The rides back and forth to ATL paid off. It felt great to have them part of the win.

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