Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/714556-My-holidays
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#714556 added January 2, 2011 at 7:34pm
Restrictions: None
My holidays
First, the good news, TN was filled with lots of good memories…it started snowing on Christmas day and didn’t stop until the following evening. We must have gotten 15 plus inches. Laney got engaged on Christmas day, Autumn and Shaun and the baby were there. We went sledding on unfolded peach boxes, our makeshift sleds. We built a six foot snowman. Jason made turkey soup to warm our insides.

Bad news. The baby woke up sick Christmas Eve morning and got progressively worse. (he’s on the mend now) but we got stuck in TN for the snow.

Some rental property rented a plow and they shoved their snow right at the mouth of our driveway; a bus turned longways and blocked the path down the mountain, and the wrecker, who was going to pull everyone out, couldn’t get in.

After almost seven hours of Jason(Laney fiancĂ©) and Shaun(son-in-law) shoveling snow, they finally got Bryan’s 4-wheel drive out. They had to shovel 15 inches of snow up a 300 foot hill of a driveway. they used dust pans and brooms because we didn’t have snow shovels – I know, bad on our parts; but in our defense, we’ve never been up in the real snow before. We had no idea.

Anyway, Jason was in the most danger of losing his job so Bryan sent him in our truck thinking we’d get his(Jason’s) out the following day.
Shaun got the Highlander out late Monday night in time to head toward the doctor with my getting sicker by the minute grandson.

The following day everything turned to ice. No go on the truck

Worse news: Bryan has been sick through all of this…the snow, the holidays…with pneumonia-like symptoms.
At this point, it’s Tuesday and we’re stuck in TN. Not too bad, but I’m worried that bryan, after 10 days of antibiotics doesn’t seem much better.

Wed, he’s just too sick to drive so we don’t even bother to get the truck out, but make arrangements to be pulled out bright and early by Thursday, surely he’ll feel well enough to drive.

Wrong. Now, he’s dizzy and nauseous. Plus, there’s a 15 car pile up on a road leading to our house, yet another wrecker delay. I’m beginning to feel like I’m not supposed to make it back to Macon.

Later that day, we attempt to leave. With the truck parked at the top of the driveway, we lug our belongs up there –several trips. This wears Bryan out. He drives for a little over an hour and says he can’t do it anymore. We rent a room.

Still, he thinks he’ll wake up Friday(New Year’s Eve day) and feel better.

Wrong. We have to get Laney and Jason to drive almost 5 hours to come get us. Sux being a non-driver. In the meantime, Bryan is getting shaking, difficulty even moving, focusing, It’s scary but he refuses to go to the hospital. I swear to him and to myself I will call 911 if this EVER happens to me again.

Around 10:30ish New Year’s Eve, we roll into our driveway. Can’t say I’ve ever been so glad to get there. Bryan promises to see a doctor in the morning.

Wrong. Despite feeling zero percent better, he won’t go. Okay, well, he’s a little better, less disoriented. I yell at him for this and tell him it’s not fair to do this to the rest of us.

He’s planning on going to his regular doctor tomorrow. The one who has his records and knows about he tick bite illness, and his whooping cough spell and all the other things he’s gone through this past year and a half.

Meanwhile, I’m just a wreck.

Yesterday he looks at me and says, “I don’t remember Christmas. I don’t remember it snowing.”

“What?, Really?” I say, trying to hide the alarm in my voice.

“Where was I?” he asks, “When it was snowing?”

“Honey,” I say, “it snowed for two days.” This is true. It started Christmas day and didn't even stop until midnight the next day. We're talking 36 hours of non-stop snowing.

“Yeah, but where was I? I don’t remember it actually falling.”

“You were on the couch,” I tell him. “You were in the kitchen, on the back deck, asleep…you don’t remember?”

Back Deck View ~ Still snowing
Aedan on Christmas Morning ~ Playing with the puppy we gave him. It's one of his fave gifts.
Six Foot Snowman ~ We all helped, but, it was Shaun's masterpiece.
Bryan on Christmas Eve Day ~ The boys wore Santa hats.
All Day Project ~ Nothing like reaching the finish line.
Yay Laney ~ congratulations to both Laney and Jason.
Look Ma, No Shovels. ~ We were very unprepared for the amount of snow we got.  They say it happens once every six years or so.  Snow shovels, and sleds are on the  to buy  list.
Christmas Eve ~ We all arrived on the Thursday before Christmas Eve, Autumn and Shaun brought the ornaments and we brought the tree.  We decorated on Christmas Eve night.

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