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My son's recovery from severe abuse and the horrors of Attachment Disorder
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#723616 added May 7, 2011 at 5:00pm
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5/11 Update--Wonderful Report!
I've neglected writing in this journal and regret that I have not shared with others the progress that Tony has made since those early entries. The difference in him is truly remarkable. Once very distant with me, he is now very loving and affectionate toward me. He kisses me on the cheek before going to bed. If he thinks I'm mad at him for something, he can't go to bed without first asking me if I'm mad and getting permission to kiss me on the cheek! These are things HE implemented. I have never given him the idea that he had to have permission to kiss me good night. His hugs and kisses are always warmly received. *Smile*

The most rewarding and exciting news came at the end of the year school meeting with his teachers. They first reviewed all the scores that showed how much he had improved over the year. All of them were amazed and very pleased at the large jump in his scores. They all commented that he was one of their favorite students because he was courteous, well-behaved, cheerful, and hard-working. ***mom is glowing*** I've saved the best for last. They stated that other students had begun to pick him to be in their small work groups because he knew the information and would do his share of the work. He's always been a little "weird" and "different" because of his problems. This was a HUGE step toward beginning to fit in with his peers. That was my favorite part of the report. He and I were both glowing and on cloud nine by that time.

They went on to say that his transition to high school should go smoothly, and there was no reason that he shouldn't take any classes that other students would take in high school. He will still have a "case manager" to keep a close check on his progress, but everything is looking good!

During the early years, our house was filled with chaos, constant battles over even the smallest behavioral issues, and even occasional violence. Those were nightmarish years that I can't begin to convey to you in this short journal post. With the conviction of a true warrior mom, I prayed for strength to fulfill my mission to save this precious soul from the many injuries inflicted upon his body and his psyche during the first three years of his life. In spite of everything, there were times when I questioned our apparent overly zealous decision to take this task on. I wondered if we had been mistaken in thinking that we were the right parents for this job.

Now, I no longer ask that question. I see a different child from even two years ago. I always knew he was worth saving. It has taken a combination of many things to bring to where we are today. A great therapist who specializes in Attachment Disorder; an excellent school system which has worked with us every step of the way; an excellent church youth group program called "Lads to Leaders" which teaches boys leadership skills, public speaking, song-leading, and many other ways to express themselves as individuals who will be our future leaders. (They also have the same program for girls.) I can't leave out the support of friends and neighbors as I look back in gratitude for everyone who has helped us give Tony a real chance at becoming a productive, happy citizen. I now can bask in the sunshine of who he has become!

Obviously, this is not the end of the story. Perhaps it is a new chapter in Tony's life-one which will continue to lead to more exciting entries similar to this one.

Until next time..........

Be especially kind to everyone you meet, for every person is fighting some kind of battle. *Smile*

Remember to enter something amazing in "Rising Stars Shining Brighter Contest!
I'm so proud of my Rising Star, Fi .

Showering Acts of Joy Group  (E)
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#1499415 by Pat ~ Rejoice always!


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