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My WDC Birthday Bash Blog
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#733000 added September 1, 2011 at 10:56pm
Restrictions: None
Day 1-120th Birthday
What an amazing day today is. I am here, on my 120th birthday surrounded by three of my five children, eighteen grandchildren, sixty-five great grandchildren, 137 great-great-grandchildren and 287 great- great-great grandkids! That is 510 progeny. There sure are an awful lot of you! Thank goodness, you didn’t all bring presents because I’d still be opening them come my 121st birthday! How blessed and fortunate I have been. I can not only still see my youngest descendent, Sarah Rose, crawling across the grass, but I can walk over, lift her up and hear her delighted giggle.

So much has changed in my lifetime. I was born in the age of the baby-boomers. We were born in the fifties. No, the fifties before the one you remember! Computers took up entire floors of buildings. No one would have believed there could be more power in one tetra-terra chip implanted in our brains than in all those computers that once upon a time guided the first men to the moon. Sure, now, at least ten of you have vacationed on the moon, but back then, it was truly historic and the world stopped to watch it; and watch it we did-- on television sets with grainy black and white pictures.

We were raised by a generation of scientists and gave birth to yet more who led the way to eradicating cancer and many more that are now naught but trivia questions. Perhaps, it will be one of your children, who will finally cure the common cold. I have lived the things that you now see in the museums. So many changes.

I have had seventy-four years with my beloved husband. I remember thinking that if I could have thirty with him that I should be happy. I have been with him longer than my father was alive, and we continue to dance together! I am still a member of Writing.com and you all know the great influence it has had on my life. At one time, I truly believe it is what kept me going. Regardless of all the medical advances (and yes, replacements); if the mind goes stale and stagnates, then I believe the end will not be long in coming. WDC kept my mind and my heart alive and creating, and at that particular time, I credit it with saving my life.

Each generation adds to what those who have gone before have accomplished. Each, in its own right, is special and noteworthy. We have survived wars, plagues, incompetence and ignorance. We have come full circle and become the town it takes to raise intelligent and upstanding children. Once upon a time, I would have ventured to say that no one needs to live as long as I have, but I wouldn’t trade a moment, a tear, a smile or heartbeat of it.

So everyone, friends and family alike, take a very deep breath and help me blow out all these candles! I love you all and I thank you.

500 words
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