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Rated: 18+ · Book · Contest Entry · #1872532
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#754397 added June 8, 2012 at 2:21pm
Restrictions: None
June 6: Frog
She tilted her head, looking at the frog. The frog stared calmly back. She blinked. The grass was cold and damp beneath her bare toes. She reached out a hand, tentatively, sure the frog would disappear, vanishing into the grass like a phantom. The frog stayed still. A single croak came from its throat and her fingers brushed its damp back.

"So you are real," she breathed in satisfaction, sitting back on her heels. The morning was quiet around her. No shouts, no sharp words, no abrasive voices marred the stillness. She kept petting the frog's back and surprisingly, the frog let her.

Her fingers suddenly scooped around the frog and she deposited it into her pocket. The frog croaked once and she could feel its body squirming against her leg. She pushed her hair behind her ears and stood up.

"Want to come on an adventure, froggy?" she inquired in a soft, curious tone. She looked at the road leading into the forest. Nobody was around. Nobody would see. It would just be her...and the little frog in her pocket. The frog croaked again as if in affirmation.

"The road leads ever onward," she whispered and began to walk. Her hand closed over the lump in her pocket and softly stroked it in reassurance.

The trees closed gently behind her and soon, it was like the little girl and the frog had never existed.
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