Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/760568-Scars
by jaya
Rated: E · Book · Other · #1798523
Coloring the World
#760568 added September 13, 2012 at 7:19am
Restrictions: None

Scars, reminders of hard life and disappointment, that’s all she thought she was left with.Yet, how dramatically had things changed!

Deeksha’s father was a struggling flute player in a popular local band. Other than Deeksha, the eldest of his three children, none else was musical in the family. Even as a tender seven-year old, Deeksha showed signs of exceptional skill at playing the Veena, her favorite seven-stringed instrument of Indian classical music. Hours of concentrated practice left her long, delicate fingers deeply scarred.

Her father took the right decision when he entered her into the highly reputed Central Institute of Music after she finished High School. The two-year course would end in a couple of months.

One morning as she was practicing for her practical exams, her room mate Priya burst into her room.
“Deeksha! The warden wants you.”

She was plunged into deep sadness on hearing about her dad’s sudden demise on the night before.

Despite inconsolable sorrow over her father’s death, Deeksha took the exam, and to everyone's wonder stood first. Her siblings, however, were not as devoted to dedicate time and energy to a fetching future.

To make both ends meet, Deeksha had started giving music tuition.

“Sis dear, I need money to pay for the examination fee. I’ll be fined if I don’t do it before tomorrow,” pleaded her younger brother.
His pitiful face stirred her into selling a gold chain, a gift from her dad.

A few days later a student told her of brother’s arrest in connection with a theft. Bewildered, she met him in police custody and with great difficulty bailed him out. The sad news was that the money she gave him went into beer-drinking and betting. How could she help her young sister with a brother like him?

“Deeksha, have you seen the advertisement asking for a staff artist for the All India Radio?” asked Renu, a college friend when she called her. The audition for selection was held on the next day.

Deeksha’s rendering of ragas and their variations had impressed the judges.

“Mom, I got the job,” Deeksha’s joy reflected in her voice as she read through the appointment letter.

To her relief, toughened by the blows of life her brother had finally settled as a delivery boy in a local Pizza Hut. He couldn't help family finances though.

A year rolled by. Deeksha found her present job rather static. An idea to found her own school of music had sprouted and taken  root.

“Ma’am, we’ve a hundred percent success results,” informed the secretary.

Deeksha was overjoyed at her students’ admirable performance during the very first year. Her dream came true, thanks to the bank loan given under self-employment scheme. Fine reputation caused a flood of applications from candidates wanting to join the diploma course in “Deeksha’s Academy of Music”.

She knew, she owed a lot to the scars, proof of her devotion and destiny.

Word count:486

Raga- Melodic modes in Indian classical music.
© Copyright 2012 jaya (UN: vindhya at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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