Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/760569-Life-Without-You
by jaya
Rated: E · Book · Other · #1798523
Coloring the World
#760569 added September 13, 2012 at 7:23am
Restrictions: None
Life Without You
Life Without You

“I cannot imagine life without you, the inspiration behind each of my thoughts, actions and words,” said Raju, looking at the cigarette he’d just lit.

“Why don’t you give it up? It drains your health and money for nothing,” said Neha, his wife.

“Neha darling, haven’t you heard the saying that the person who does not smoke would be born as an ox? Now stop fretting, and tell me what I can get you for our wedding anniversary.”

“All I want is for you to give up life destroying smoking.”

“You fuss over a paltry twenty cigarettes a day? It is not fifty or hundred.”

“Make it ten. This is the best gift you could give.”

“You got it.”

Kids followed parents’ conversation.

The next day, Sameer, the older of the siblings was not his cheerful self in the class. Mr. Kumar, the class teacher watched him sitting absentminded.

“Sameer, what’s the matter? You can tell me.”

The boy opened up, telling him of  his father’s worrisome habit, his mom’s depression and his concern for him.

On an evening as he was walking home after work, Raju heard someone calling him.
“Hello, Mr. Raju! How are you?” Raju recognized Sameer’s teacher and greeted him. They fell into step together.

“How is my son doing Mr. Kumar?”

“Oh, he is the best in the class. However…” He hesitated.

“However, what happened? Please tell me,” pleaded Raju.

“Well, the thing is Mr. Raju, I saw him smoking in the playground.”

Raju felt as though the ground under his feet was giving away. Kumar’s words sent shockwaves through his body.

Neha was taken aback at her husband’s haggard appearance.

“What happened? Are you sick?” she asked anxiously.

“Where is Sameer? I want to beat the daylights out of him,” he thundered.

“But, why?”

“He started smoking, for your kind information.”

“This is what I was afraid of. I know he won't be far away from smoking with a father who cannot live without it.”

Raju fell silent. He could not digest the fact that his teen son started smoking. Pictures of young Sameer coughing and choking, his lungs charred by cigarette smoke, shadowed his mind.

When he saw Sameer coming in, he asked him the one question that loomed large on his mind.

“Son, why did you do that?”

“What is it dad?”

“Your teacher told me you smoke.” Sameer remained silent.

“Bring my cigarettes,” Raju said.

The family watched as Sameer brought in Raju’s favorite Gold Flake king size cigarette packets.

“Throw them in the dumpster this minute, will you?”

Sameer stood stunned for a while.

That night at dinner,

“Listen! all of you. No more smoking. Understand? Sameer?”

“Yes, dad. No smoking,” said Sameer, hiding his joy. His teacher’s plan paid off.

Raju knew, there were no shortcuts to stop smoking.

“I too can live without you, butt” thought Raju, feeling a strange happiness spread through his body and mind.

Word Count: 490

© Copyright 2012 jaya (UN: vindhya at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
jaya has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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