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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/789366-Aug-21
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1908951
Random thoughts, inconsistent posting
#789366 added August 21, 2013 at 4:11pm
Restrictions: None
Aug. 21
Here I am working on my 90 day novel workshop. I am trying to get all my words in for the day. It's getting me in shape for the NaNoWriMo.

Yesterday I read and reviewed for a Newbie challenge. I came across a rant for lack of better words from an anthiest.
Now everyone has a right to their beliefs. What I dislike is when someone takes what they have read or heard and uses it out of context.  I am writing a book about a devout Muslim. I listen and read what I can on the subject of their beliefs and rituals. I would never begin to look up  references from the Qu'ran and just quote them to fit what I want them to.  I've discovered the original works and mandates set down by Mohammed are not what is used and twisted by some Muslim/Islamic people today.

It seems there are those in "authority" who have taken upon themselves the right to translate or interpret the laws of Mohammed to fit their needs and desires. Like many people today who twist and reshape the Biblical principals to fit what they want to do. It doesn't make it right, but if they can get enough people to follow them, they can literally rewrite the Bible. The sad thing is others who come searching for the truth find these people and think they represent the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

As I read the things that he/she felt the need to denigrate at points I had to laugh out loud. They were ludicris. The interpretations of the scriptures were so far out that I couldn't figure out how they were found to fit the situation. 

I realize that athiests, if very sure of themselves, have all the aswers. They have to because there are many who when they come in contact with these people feel its their duty to get them to admit they are wrong and fall to their knees in repentence. That is so far from what is possible that in itself is laughable.

The one thing I did agree with this writer was the fact if someone came to me and tried to tell me Santa Claus was real and lived in the North Pole I wouldn't stand and argue with them. I'd walk away and call the men in the white coats. I feel (now) the same way about atheist. If they have to argue their non belief they themselves are unsure of where they stand. It's like the more they argue the better they feel about their own stand. It reaffirms their disbelief in God.  If you don't believe in something, no one can change your mind, until something or someone says or does something that causes a doubt to form and then the possiblitiy is there.

I find athiests are just as dogmatic and narrow minded as any fully filled Bible thumping Christian can be. I am open to people's thoughts and ideas if they come with some back up. I, however am fully committed to my doctrine and it will not waiver. I will not try to convince, change or steamroll someone who is just as committed to what they think.  I have to admit there have been many times a good discussion about the Bible has been had when ideas, thoughts and experiences have been exchanged. When we can walk away with respect for each other without the animosity of I'm right and you're wrong.

I will end this with my favorite saying: "I can afford to be wrong, can you?"

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