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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/805568-Sunday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#805568 added February 2, 2014 at 7:43pm
Restrictions: None
I'm in here earlier than normal, and it feels nice to have some time to write for a change. It also feels nice to be awake instead of half asleep. What a difference a full nights sleep makes. I'm still tired, but not exhausted like most of the week was.

I made it to bed around nine last night and set the alarm for five this morning. I didn't get up right away, but instead enjoyed a couple of rounds on the snooze button. I didn't go back to sleep, just snuggled up to Rhonda until the alarm went off again. Actually, I did this a few times. It was kind of nice to get to stay in bed a little longer and snuggle, instead of having to get right up and get ready to start the day.

It also felt good to get a good nights sleep. I did wake up a couple of times but was able to fall right back to sleep. I also had a full eight hours of sleep; I don't remember the last time I had more than six. A lot of nights it's been five, some three or less. I felt good all day, and even though I'm still feeling kind of tired, it's not like it's been most of last week. I not only was tired from lack of sleep, but from a lot of stress at work as well as some problems at home that need my attention.

I'm off work tomorrow and Tuesday, unless something comes up. Even so, I have to do some work from home, and I also have to go do an interview. Hopefully this one works out and we get someone hired. If it does work out, we can start training on Wednesday. Getting the training done this week yet is great, but at the same time, Rhonda should be doing the training and Wednesday and Thursday are her days off. Somehow we will have to work around this and get the training done while we can.

Of course, it all depends on the interview tomorrow, and if the person sticks it out and takes the job if it's offered. The last two didn't, and that was a real pain in my ass. I don't get paid while off the job site, and can't do interviews or hire paperwork while working. That means a couple of hours at least to get this all done. I try and make sure everything is good before doing the paperwork, since it's the most time consuming, but it doesn't always work out. The one guy was all ready to go, but I needed some information he did not have. he was going to email me the information I needed, but never did. I emailed him but he did not reply -- in fact, I never heard anything more from him.

The next person was good to go, too. He was eager to get started and we completed all his paperwork, coordinated training and had everything set to go on Monday. Sunday he calls and informs me he is taking a different job, but wants me to hold on to everything just in case it doesn't work out. Yeah, right! Not only did he waste about three hours of my time, but who wants to hire someone who would rather take a different job, but if it doesn't work out, well than I'll work for you. Nope, not going to happen.

This time around, I'm thinking of doing the paperwork right before he starts his training. I'll be done work at eleven, and can meet him about eleven-thirty. We can work on paperwork for an hour or so and get it done, then start him training. That way, I'll know he's serious and ready to go. Now, it's just a matter of doing the interview and seeing if we can progress any further. If yes, Rhonda and I will have to get the training schedule worked out, then coordinate it with the store manager. Then, train this week, and have him working by next week.

We should be sitting pretty good then until about May, when we need to get another person hired for a summer position. This one is a temporary position, and limited hours, but we should be able to do pretty good with it. We have some time and who knows, by fall they may have an opportunity to stay on if they did well. For now, it's enough to focus on getting the other position filled.

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