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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/805448-Saturday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#805448 added February 1, 2014 at 9:56pm
Restrictions: None
It's bed time for me, but I want to get my entry done first. Not late, but just coming up on it, so I'm doing good. I don't have to be up so damn early tomorrow, just up at five, so if I get to bed by nine, I'll have eight hours.

Of course, I don't know what to do with eight hours, and may wake up sooner, but the plan is for a nice eight hours of sleep, then get up at five and be to work by eight. Lots of time for me in the morning, then six hours at work and then home again. I have Monday and Tuesday off, and it will be nice to start them off rested and caught up on sleep instead of being exhausted and running behind. Of course, I do have to go in on Monday for an interview, but that won't be so bad, and if we get another person hired, it will be nice and easy at work again.

I've been exhausted all week, starting with my full day in on Sunday, in a blizzard. I didn't work all day, just half a day, but had to hang out for the other half to give Rhonda a ride home. From start to finish it was an eighteen hour day, and something about cold and blizzards really takes a person down, especially working and driving in them. Monday was better, still bitter cold and windy, with wind chill advisories for us near sixty degrees below zero in the morning and warming up to a balmy forty below zero at the peak of the day.

The wind was still blowing snow around, but not as bad as the day before, and there was no new snow falling. Even so, the roads were very bad and I could not see bringing too many people in for work, especially those who lived out of town. So I did the twenty five mile drive into work, pulled a twelve hour day, then dragged my tired carcass back home. I did get Tuesday off from work, but had lots to do from home, then Wednesday it was back to normal.

Only for me, it was anything but normal, since it was cold, snowing and blowing and I did not know if I would be stuck at work again all day or not. It did clear off and get better, and I did get to come home, but just the stress was enough to wear me out. Only, I was already wore out from the start of the week.Thursday and Friday went alright, but I was so tired I just wanted to sleep all the time after work. There was still some stress with people wanting time off, and being short on help.

Today I managed through, took a nice nap, and didn't get much of anything done again. By eight this evening I was ready for bed, but wanted to get this done first. I also had to take the dogs out one last time, so I did that, then settled in here with my laptop and started writing. As soon as I finish, I'll copy and paste this into my journal in Writing dot Com and then it's time to shut it all down and hit the sack.

I sure hope this interview goes well on Monday, and I have a ton of stuff I need to get done tomorrow. But I should be about caught up on sleep, and with Monday and Tuesday off, except the interview, I will be doing good. If this person works out and we hire him, it will relieve a lot of stress and that will help a lot, too. So, here's to the new guy, thinking positive of course. I have to, after the last two bombed on me.

I did interviews, and everything was good. They wanted the position, they were eager to start, and I went through a mountain of paperwork to get them ready to start training. The first fellow did not have his application complete, so I had him email me the information I needed. I didn't get anything, so I emailed him and reminded him I needed the information so we could get him started. Nothing again. I figure if I have to hold his hand to get him started, I don't want him on my crew; he will just be a problem later.

The next guy also did great at the interview, and soon he was hired, paperwork filled out and set to start training on Monday. This was on Friday, but Sunday he called and told me he was taking a different job, and we bombed again. So this is attempt three at getting someone hired. I know his dad, and he should be pretty good, so I have good vibrations from the start. Now, if we can just get him started training and on the crew.

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