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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/806497-Sunday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#806497 added February 9, 2014 at 11:10pm
Restrictions: None
It's late tonight and I should already be in bed. But, I want to get this written and then relax with my glass of wine before I turn in. It's been a long day, but a good day, even though it got so late.

First of all, I didn't have to be to work until eight, so I didn't get up until six; that's sleeping in around here, since most mornings the alarm is going off at three. Also, I only had to work a half a day, four hours. Normally we do six hour shifts, except on Saturdays, which are eight hours. But, as we have hired new people, the schedule has adjusted to meet the requirements while trying to keep everyone happy with hours. So, Saturdays turned into three shifts, just like any other day. That made Sunday through Friday six hour shifts and Saturday five and a half hour shifts.

Only, Sunday we start later, so it was mid afternoon by the time I got out of there. Also, Rhonda works after me, so she would be there for her six hours, then close up. Of course, it usually ended up closer to six and a half hours for her, and it would be eight thirty when she got done. Then, at least a half hour to get home, usually a little longer, which put it around nine fifteen to nine thirty by the time she got home. After unwinding a bit, and then going to bed, it would be ten or later, often closer to eleven before we were asleep.

Monday was back to the alarm going off at three in the morning, so I usually only ended up with three or four hours of sleep. Then, we were able to schedule me off for Mondays, which helped, but it was still late getting home and to bed on Sunday nights. Rhonda still had to be to work by quarter to eleven, so she would leave around ten or a little after. In order to have some time before work, we would get up at six, and of course, the late night still cost us a little. Not as bad as when I worked Mondays, but it still was a hassle.

So, when we hired last week, to fill the one opening, we decided to split Sundays into three four hour shifts. I work until noon, Rhonda works until four, and we are home with plenty of time to enjoy a nice dinner, relax, and be in bed in time to get a good nights sleep before the alarm goes off at three. Today was the first Sunday we implemented the new schedule, so I worked till noon, Rhonda worked till four, and then we went out for dinner. It's our twelfth anniversary of the day we met. After dinner, we did some shopping and hung out until seven thirty, then Rhonda assisted with closing.

Since we are still training in the new guard, it was needed to guide him through one closing before we turn him lose on his own. So, today should be the last day we have to stay out so late on a work night. I know we will from time to time, but at least we can still relax, instead of work. It was nice to not have to work this evening, even though I stuck around to give Rhonda a ride home after closing. She didn't work, either, just walked the guy through the procedures. Now, one more early morning, then I have three days off and Rhonda has two days off. Next week we will switch it out, and I will have two while she has three. Oh, and it's both of us off together. It's been a long time since we both had the same days off together, and we are looking forward to it.

Well, I'm writing in 750 words and I'm getting close to my mark, which is 750 words or more. That means I'm almost done and can enjoy a little ice cream, finish my glass of wine and then turn in. Tomorrow I know I'll be tired since I'm going to be running behind on sleep, but I will get done at eleven and can take a nap if I want. Then, I'll go pick Rhonda up at five and then -- two days off together, and one more by myself. Three days off in a row! Sometimes I had to work months to get three days off in total, and never in a row. Well except for once in November when I took a day off with my two. But that was about the end of us having the same days off.

Now I'm just rambling, indicating I'm beyond tired. Goodnight.

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