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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/806615-Monday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#806615 added February 10, 2014 at 9:19pm
Restrictions: None
Kind of late again tonight, but not real bad. I could have gotten this done earlier, but I was just too tired. So, I decided to take me a much earned nap and get a little closer to being caught up on my sleep.

Today would normally be my day off on the old schedule, but that all changed when we finally got someone hired. Along with having a full crew, we implemented a few other changes in the schedule. One is working Mondays now, but having Tuesday and Wednesday off, as well as every other Thursday. We have also split the weekends into three shifts instead of two. It used to be two eight hour shifts on Saturday and two six hour shifts on Sunday. Now, we have three five and a half hour shifts on Saturday and three four hour shifts on Sunday. This not only makes it possible to still do things on the weekends, even when working, but since weekends are the busiest days at work, the shorter shifts will be very nice over the summer. Finally, since I work Monday mornings again, it will be nice not getting home so late or waiting for Rhonda on Sunday nights.

That's all coming up, even though this last weekend we started the new schedule. We were still training a new guard in, so Rhonda went in an hour before closing and walked him through the procedures. That made last night a late night, and since I was in town with her, a very long day for both of us. We made the most of it, since it was also our twelfth anniversary of the night we first met.

It was quite by accident, her daughters and my daughter being friends, she had stopped to pick up her girls. She had also stopped the night before, on February 8, but we did not talk. I introduced myself, she shook my hand and turned and went back to the car to wait for them. The following night, however, they were not ready and convinced her to come in and wait. We talked a shot time then my daughter invited her daughters to go to the eel pout festival with her and her brothers. They of course wanted to, but mom said no, they did not have the warm clothing along they would need.

Being a nice guy, I offered to supply plenty of worm clothing, if they wanted, and if mom was agreeable with them going. She had no further arguments, so the kids all left and she was going to go home and I was going to go out and have a few cocktails. I wasn't sure where, I just knew that having the night to myself without any kids as not an opportunity I wanted to pass up.

But, being polite, I could not ask this woman I just met to leave so I could go tie one on. Instead I offered her an invitation to stay and talk a while. I didn't think she would, since she was in such a big hurry the night before, but she surprised me and sat down to visit. We talked, and then we talked some more and soon the night was half over and I was enjoying a wonderful conversation with this woman.

The kids ended up returning home that night, sooner than they had planned, and the night ended, but Rhonda returned again. We talked, and went for a drive, then talked some more in the front yard. I found myself longing to kiss her, so under the cottonwood, we shared our first kiss. I learned later she wasn't so much interested in my opinion of what was wrong with her car when we went for a drive as she was interested in having some time alone with me. Seems we both longed for that first kiss.

Shortly after, a discussion came up about Rhonda taking one of her daughters down to her sisters to visit a college. Sarah, the daughter, invited me along. I was polite and declined, but you know how kids are; persistent. I didn't want to infringe, but when Rhonda insisted that it would be fine, and she would enjoy the company, I agreed. We had it planned for separate rooms, just friends of course.

That weekend I met her sister and about the time everyone had turned in, we also decided to head off to bed. Rhonda's sister explained the sleeping arrangements, which had Rhonda and I in the same room, and the same bed. Everyone else was already asleep, so it was kind of difficult to change things, and her sister had just assumed we were more than friends. Se went to bed, together, agreeing on being on our best behavior and just sleeping.

And we did, until I got up part way into the night to use the bathroom. Then after crawling back into bed, Rhonda needed to go, too. She climbed over me, since the bed was up against the wall and she was on the inside. It felt wonderful to feel her body sliding over mine. When she came back, she again climbed over me and I again enjoyed  it a lot. I turned to return to sleep, knowing it was going to be difficult, but she wanted me to hold her. So, I rolled over, put my arms around her and she snuggled back against me and felt how much I enjoyed her closeness.

We soon began kissing, touching and you know the rest. We had a nice private room, but the duct work above us fed right into her sister's room and worked like an amplifier, so her sister heard just how much passionate fun we were having. We spent the second night there, as well, and this time we went to bed knowing that it was going to be passionate and intimate. We have been together ever since, and the passion intimacy are still just as strong, if not stronger.

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