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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/806812-Tuesday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#806812 added February 11, 2014 at 11:05pm
Restrictions: None
Another late one for me, but not a bad day, not bad at all. In fact, I had a wonderful day, and now it's wrapping up for a nice night.

No work today, for me or Rhonda. We have not had more than a couple of days off together since November. We did have Thanksgiving and Christmas, since there was no work on them two days, but other than the holidays, we always have our days off on different days. It's been like that all spring, summer, and fall, except for a couple of months when we had our days off together. That was in October and November, when we had a full crew on. It wasn't the full month of October, since we did some training when we hired the last guard, but I do beleive we started getting our days off together the second week.

Then, around the end of November, we had a guard put in her two week notice and ended up short on help again. We had hoped to get someone hired right away, but with Christmas right aroudn the corner, things started getting slow. They stayed like that into the first of the year, then we started to get a few applicants, but I think most of them just needed to put in an application so they met the requirements of unemployment compensation. None seemed to be serious, and few even replied back.

There was one person I interviewed who was eager to go, asked for more hours than what I had available, and wanted to start right away. I set up training and had everything ready, but he never got back to me with the rest of his paperwork. In fact, I never heard from him again. Then, there was another guy who was ready to go, and we even had his paperwork all done. I scheduled his training and we were ready to start on Monday. Sunday he called and informed me he was offered a position at another place he ahd applied, and was taking that job.

That's the way it's been, and that's had us short one person. We can cover the hours, but it does not leave room if someone can't make it in without creating a real hassle. Also, it means there is no way Rhonda and I can be off at the same time. So, we kept looking and hoping for the right person to come along. He did, last week. I interviewed him and he was set to go, serious about working, and open for just about any shift or day he would be needed. I got his paperwork done, scheduled his training and he tested last Thursday, and passed.

It was kind of a rush training and testing for him, since it's done through our client, and they are short on help. But he passed, and Rhonda and I invested some of our own time to train and prepare him, just to make sure he's ready. He did work a few hours on his own Sunday, so we could go have a nice dinner for our twelfth anniversary of the day we met. Then it was back to work for Rhonda for the last hour fo the day to go through a closing with him. Today, Tuesday, was his first actual day on the new schedule, and I didn't get any calls, so I'm assuming things went alright. At least well enough that no one called me about anything.

I expect there was a few little things, but that's normal with the little bit of training we get, and the amount of information we are required to absorb over that short time. As long as he learns from these little errors, everything should work out fine. He works tomorrow and Thursday, too. If everything goes well tomorrow again, we should have it in the bag. Thursday will be the day I will set aside then for some fishing, and Rhonda and I will again have two days off a week, together.

Yeah, today was our first day off together since Christmas, and we enjoyed it. We slept in, got up and had a relaxing morning. Then I made us some brunch, Rhonda assisted, and then it was into the bedroom for some snuggling and loving. After, we took a little nap together, work up around one in the afternoon, and started our afternoon with a Bible study. Then it was an afternoon of work for me, while she took care of a few things of her own. I worked from home, sending in schedules, flow logs, and reports. Normally it would have been a lot less work but I got behind last week.

Now, I'm about caught up, and hope to have a relaxing yet productive day tomorrow. I want to get into WdC for a while, and finish a poem I uploaded that needs editing. Other than that, I really don't have much for plans. We do need to run into town to pick up a few things, but that's also kind of open as of now. Mostly it's just getting rested up and having some time to enjoy together.

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