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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/808753-Sunday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#808753 added March 2, 2014 at 8:59pm
Restrictions: None
Day two and going strong. Of course, it's only day two, so I damn well better be going strong yet. I mean on this monthly writing challenge of course; 750 words a day for the entire month. If I'm already going anyway less than strong this soon into the month, there's got to be something wrong.

As far as the month is going, I can't say it's going well. Nothing serious, and nothing I have any control over. I'm talking about the weather for March. We started out with sub zero temperatures and snow, and have not improved yet. At least it was not a lot of snow, only about a quarter inch for us here. But, we did get the wind, and we did get the cold. It was one of the coldest days yet this winter. Not the coldest, but it didn't miss by much. I'd say we had maybe two or three days that were colder, maybe. One for sure, the rest it's a toss up. I would have to look at the past temperatures and see how close we were.

It's not suppose to warm up until Tuesday, and then it's still not looking like it's going to be as warm as normal. I haven't looked yet today to see, but as of yesterday, it's only suppose to get into the twenties by Tuesday. Likely the wind will be blowing, it usually is, and that will diminish the warmth a lot. I'll take a look after I get this written, copied, and posted in WdC.

Work was interesting this morning, but not very pleasant. It started out fine, just a typical Sunday, only colder and windy. We have had plenty of them days, so nothing new. Then, I went down to the flag station to check the supplies and that's when things changed. The flag station is a little booth that holds red flags for loads that extend past the rear of the vehicle. There are also two staplers, and a couple of spools of twine for tying down loads. It's just baler twine, run out through a small hole in the side of the booth. There are two of them, side by side.

This morning, both had a lot of line out, and it was running down the street. I walked down and investigated all the way to the corner, about a quarter of a block away. The two lines of twine went around the corner and their end was not visible. I began looping the twine up as I walked the rest of the way back up to the guardhouse, about a block from the corner. Once I was there, I still could not see the end of the twine. It ran all the way down the street and around the corner, still.

I pulled arm over arm for twenty minutes before the end finally showed up. I just guess at the amount out, about six hundred yards. That's for each line, so double that. And, I should add, that's just an estimate, it's likely even more. I suspect some knucklehead pulled both lines of twine over to secure his load, instead of just one. Then, he just drove off, letting the twine pull out behind his vehicle. Sure, it could have been accidental, but it's hard to believe anyone could pull that much line out without noticing it in the mirror.

Also, I suspect it's on purpose by the fact that it was both lines, instead of just one. Normally a person would only use one line of string to secure the load, not both. Also, there is someone who frequently uses the twine and leaves a huge amount pulled off and out into the street. Not just ten or twenty feet, but more like ten to twenty yards. Since the booth is right at the curb, there is no reason this much line should be pulled out, even if the person cut it off at the point of know they tied the load down with. No, someone likes to pull a shit load of string out and let it blow in the wind, just because they are an asshole. It's likely the same butt-worm that likes to drive through out pile of snow.

Seriously, we shovel the slab off and clean up our work area of snow with a hand shovel. We push the snow into a pile so the snow plow can take it away when they clean the yard. Only, some butt-worm likes to drive right through the pile and knock it all down so we have to clean it up again. Only, after they drive through it, it's packed and even more work to get cleaned up. It's hard to believe there are assholes like that out and about, but there are.  I don't care to know who it is, and I don't plan on seeking any revenge for their meanness. Nope, it's not my problem, I just do my job and if they make more work for me, then so be it. I get paid by the hour, it doesn't cost me anything except a little hard work and time.

But, I do believe the words in the Bible, "Vengeance is Mine, says the Lord."

I don't think I would want to be the person on the receiving end of that. Nope, I'll do the extra work, and give up some time, I don't want to get in between the Lord and the person he is going to scourge. Besides, it works both ways; my rewards and promotions also come through the Lord. I know, not everyone is Christian and even of those who are, some may not believe this. What ever your beliefs, it's all the same. Call it karma or what ever you like; what you sow, you will also reap. What goes around comes around and they will get their just rewards.

Well, that's enough for tonight, time to sit back and relax a little before bed.

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