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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/808865-Monday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#808865 added March 3, 2014 at 6:14pm
Restrictions: None
I made it in a little earlier today. I should have already had this written, but things didn't play out according to the plan. I had intended to write this out earlier this afternoon, right after work. But, by the time I finished making some vegetable beef soup from scratch I was beat. I did sit down and log online, but didn't get much done at all. I read my e-mail, and the next thing I knew I was waking up from a brief nap here in my chair. I had fallen asleep while looking at an image and slept for about ten minutes.

I woke up with a stiff neck and decided I would take a short nap, since I wasn't going to get anything done by nodding off in my chair. Well, except for the possibility of dropping my laptop or getting even more of a kink in my neck. So, I put my stuff up, crawled into bed and got all snuggled in, only to remember I had the soup simmering on the stove. So, I had to get back up and move it to the oven, with the heat at 200 degrees. Then, I crawled back under the sheet and soon fell into a deep, sound sleep.

I woke about forty minutes later from an interesting dream because I had to go to the bathroom. I was still very tired, so I went back to bed after I finished, and soon was right back a sleep. I had drank too much coffee to sleep for very long, and after about forty minutes more I was again awake, having to relieve my bladder again. This time I stayed up and tried a bowl of my soup, then logged into MyFitnessPal and after that, into Facebook. After a quick rundown of the newest feeds I logged out and started this.

I had intended to write down my dream, but after going back to sleep, most of it has vanished into a fog with only bits and pieces left to memory. I wish I had stayed up the first time and written down what I could remember, but nothing I can do about it now. What I do remember is the central theme of the dream, but not any of the details. I was camping, in the Black Hills I think. It was hilly and there was a lake I was camping by. I had a nice secluded area to set my tent up in, sheltered by pines, and right by the lake. I don't think it was a campground and I was alone.

In what I can remember of the dream, I was taking some pictures of the lake and the scenic area around me. I had walked a short distance from my campsite, after checking the fire and moving the coffee back away from the heat. I think it was early morning, since there was coffee. I was just coming back to my camp when I noticed a very nice looking woman kneeling by my fire, which should have burned down by now. Only, she was putting more wood on it so it was burning quite nice.

She had moved the coffee back over the flames, too. I stopped and watched, not knowing who this was, or why she was messing around by the fire. She soon had the coffee hot, and took my cup and poured it full of steaming coffee. She sipped at the coffee and looked around a bit, then returned to the fire. She stayed close to the flames for a while, sipping coffee, then dumped the remainder of the cup out in the grass, stirred the fire around a little, and moved the coffee pot back away from the flames. She just sat there, then, and watched the flames.

She was very pretty, but looked kind of ragged and run down. She was dressed in a t-shirt and shorts, and with the light of the fire, it was plain she was not wearing anything under the t-shirt. She stretched and yawned, and as I started to step out from the shelter of the trees she stood up and went to the tent. I watched as she unzipped it, then vanished inside. I figured she would be rummaging through my stuff but was surprised to see the zipper close again, from inside. I had stepped into the open by this time, but she had not noticed me. Now, I came up to the camp and stood outside my tent, wondering who this was, and what she was doing in there.

I went to the fire, and poured some coffee in the cup she had just used, and sipped at it while I waited for her to come out. I figured it would be a nice surprise when she exited the tent and seen me sitting there, with a bunch of questions ready. Only, she didn't come out. I finished the cup of coffee and poured another while I waited. Soon this one was empty, too. Still no one had emerged from the tent. I stood and walked over to the zipper, and quietly listened at the tent. I couldn't hear anything from inside, so I carefully unzipped the flap and peered in.

It was dark inside, but enough light filtered in to see that the woman was snuggled into my sleeping bag, and sound asleep. I entered the tent, and reached down, shook her gently and said, "Excuse me."

She jumped at the sound and sat up. Looking in horror at me, she threw the top of the sleeping bag aside and bolted past me for the open zipper. I watched as this nude woman jumped from my bed and brushed past me out the flap of the tent. I turned and followed, but did not see her outside the tent.  As I stood in the opening of the tent I heard her voice from the direction I had earlier watched her from. "Please let me get y cloths form the tent."

I told her to go ahead, and stepped off to the side. I seen movement from the shelter of some thick branches ahead of me. I backed up further and she half ran past me to the tent. She had broken a limb free to hold in front of her, and the thought of the scratchy pine needles made me itch as I watched her rush by. Soon she was back in the tent, but this time she did not zip the flap shut. I could see her move about inside then she came up, dressed again.

She stopped by the fire and looked at me, while I looked back. I don't remember a lot more than this, I know she had been out hiking and gotten lost the night before. She had not slept and was cold, hungry, and tired when she seen the flames of my fire. since no one was around, she helped herself to the coffee, and when she started falling asleep by the fire, decided to take a short nap in the tent, while she waited for someone to return. She was scared, but didn't have much choice, since she was lost.

I do know it got pretty hot and steamy, there was some skinny dipping and making love by the lake. A fine dream, but I don't know who the woman is.  I don't know if she had a name in the dream, she must have, but I don't remember. In life, I don't have a clue who she is or why she was in my dream. I remember the beginning of the dream, or at least, I assume it's the beginning. But, once we talked to each other, I don't remember much else. I know she had gotten lost, I vaguely remember us going swimming together, nude. And, I do remember we started to make out in the lake and came up to the shore and made love in the soft grass. In the dream there was a lot more, but it faded and this is all that's left.

Well, that's about all for this entry. It's getting to be time for Rhonda to get off work and come home, then we will relax a bit before I have to run back in and do a little training with the evening guard closing up. Then, it's back home and two days off. It's suppose to warm up some, and snow. If it does, I may end up having to work one or both days, but hopefully not.

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